PyCon UK 2023

Paul Haesler

Paul majored in Physics at university and has been working as a software engineer since the mid 90s. For the last 7 years has been working on the Open Data Cube (ODC) – an open source Python library for managing and processing large archives of Earth-observation satellite imagery. He currently works for Geoscience Australia (the custodian of Australia’s EO archive) and is a member of the ODC Steering Council. In his spare time, he brews beer in his home brewery and writes and records his epic science-fiction rock-opera in his home studio.


Geodesy for Pythonistas (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Coordinate Reference Systems)
Paul Haesler

The surface of the Earth is curved, so all flat maps of it contain distortions. Specific types of distortions can be eliminated, but other distortions remain. What are these mathematical tradeoffs and how are they made? And more importantly, how can we as Pythonistas make use of this cartographic wizardry?

Room D