2023-09-23 –, Room L
Want to give a lightning talk, but don't know how to get started? Maybe you have an idea and want some time to work on it, with some help if necessary? This workshop will help you to get a great proposal sketched out and in the beginner's bucket.
You turn up to your first PyCon UK to discover that lightning talks exist, and they're amazing! Very much the best part of the conference, and the MC seems like just the sort of person you'd like to buy a pint in the pub.
You're inspired and you've got a vague idea for a lightning talk, but you're not sure it's good enough, and how do you actually write a talk? How many slides should you have? And what should you write on the index card so that you get selected?
And there's so much going on at PyCon UK that you just can't seem to find some time to yourself to actually write the talk. And maybe it would be nice if you could get some feedback on your idea.
Now there's the Lightning Talk Workshop! We'll begin with about 30 minutes of advice from that nice Lightning Talk MC on how to write and give a lightning talk, and then we'll get everyone set up in small groups to help each other brainstorm ideas,
write an outline, and an index card for the beginner's bucket.
If we have time, you may be able to put together some slides (if you want slides) for your first lightning talk.
Attending the workshop doesn't guarantee that your lightning talk proposal will be accepted,
but it's almost certainly going to help immensely,
and it should be fun and interesting along the way!
Mark is a Developer Advocate for MongoDB, but the interesting things about him are that he makes an excellent Old Fashioned cocktail; he likes to design quasi-useful things for 3D-printing; he has a terrible mechanical keyboard habit; and he talks too much in the pub.