Building web-based engineering applications with JupyterLab components.
09-25, 09:45–10:15 (Europe/Paris), Gaston Berger

In the past few years, web-based engineering software has been steadily gaining momentum over traditional desktop-based applications. It represents a significant shift in how engineers access, collaborate, and utilize software tools for design, analysis, and simulation tasks. However, converting desktop-based applications to web applications presents considerable challenges, especially in translating the functionality of desktop interfaces to the web. It requires careful planning and design expertise to ensure intuitive navigation and responsiveness.

JupyterLab provides a flexible, interactive environment for scientific computing. Despite its popularity among data scientists and researchers, the full potential of JupyterLab as a platform for building scientific web applications has yet to be realized.

In this talk, we will explore how its modular architecture and extensive ecosystem facilitate the seamless integration of components for diverse functionalities: from rich user interfaces, accessibility, and real-time collaboration to cloud deployment options. To illustrate the platform's capabilities, we will demo JupyterCAD, a parametric 3D modeler built on top of JupyterLab components.

Le Duc Trung is a Scientific Software Developer at QuantStack. He works on several projects within the Jupyter ecosystem, from the main projects like JupyterLab, Voilà, and ipywidgets to various JupyterLab extensions and widgets.