Onyxia: A User-Centric Interface for Data Scientists in the Cloud Age
09-26, 11:40–12:10 (Europe/Paris), Louis Armand 2 - Ouest

In this talk, we'll look into why Insee had to go beyond usual tools like JupyterHub. With data science growing, it has become important to have tools that are easy to use, can change as needed, and help people work together. The opensource software Onyxia brings a new answer by offering a user-friendly way to boost creativity in a data environment that uses massively containerization and object storage.

https://onyxia.sh is an opensource software developed by the French public service that aims at providing a state-of-the-art working environment (python, R) for data teams based on kubernetes and S3.

In this talk, we will present :
- why we think that containerisation and object storage is mandatory to make a scalable data platform.
- why we developped Onyxia and our principles to make it sustainable
- how we design it and how we are trying to create a community

Last but not least, you may learn that you are eligible to use our free, open-innovation platform named SSPCloud.

After 8 years of restricting datascientist because of my role in cybersecurity, I changed direction to empower them instead.

I am the lead devlopper of Onyxia Datalab and the creator of a set of open source libraries like Keycloakify, tss-react or Denoify.

I'm a data scientist in the innovation lab at Insee, the French statistics institute. I'm also very involved in teaching Python, mainly in engineering courses: for beginners (https://pythonds.linogaliana.fr/) or for data scientists wishing to discover cloud technologies (https://ensae-reproductibilite.github.io/website/).

I am a cloud service architect at Mercator Ocean international, developing a public core infrastructure for the European Digital Twin Ocean.