PyLadiesCon 2024

Cheuk Ting Ho

After having a career as a Data Scientist and Developer Advocate, Cheuk dedicated her work to the open-source community. Currently, she is working as AI developer advocate for JetBrains. She has co-founded Humble Data, a beginner Python workshop that has been happening around the world. She has served the EuroPython Society board for two years and is now a fellow and director of the Python Software Foundation.


Mentored Sprints Orientation
Cheuk Ting Ho

Come to this beginner-friendly session to start your journey to contribute to open source.

In this orientation session, we will have project leaders to introduce their projects. We will also introduce you to what is open source, why contributing to open source, and an overview of how to contribute and common git workflows.

After the orientation, the sprint will keep on happening in Discord, the project leaders may have various times that they will be online to help.

Activities & Open Spaces
First Conference Recap
Cheuk Ting Ho

We have had many talks, panels, and workshops! let's do a recap of what we have seen so far in the conference!

Main Stream
Second Conference Recap
Cheuk Ting Ho

Second part of the conference, and you might have missed some of the previous talks, panels, and workshops! join us for another conference recap!

Main Stream
PyLadies entrepreneurs and career development
Anwesha Das, Cheuk Ting Ho, Ines Montani, Tereza Iofciu, Una Galyeva

In this panel, we will have some of our most successful PyLadies discuss women's challenges when starting a business and how to overcome them. We will also talk about challenges women encounter in their careers and tips for career development.

Main Stream
Conference Closing
Maria Jose Molina Contreras, Mariatta, Naomi Ceder, Denny Perez, Cheuk Ting Ho, Georgi Ker, Cristián Maureira-Fredes

The conference is getting to an end, so join us for a retrospective discussion and a discussion of future versions!

Main Stream