Emily Chen
Emily is a scikit-learn enthusiast at Probabl, an open source contributor, an advocate for diversity and inclusion on STEM, and an engineering student at the University of Toronto with an emphasis on biomedical applications.
This talk will explore the adoption of the Array API standard in scikit-learn. We'll begin with a brief introduction to the Array API standard and its benefits, focusing on its impact on cross-library functions and model training speed. Next, we'll examine a detailed example of a scikit-learn kernel that shows significant performance improvements due to the Array API. Currently in scikit-learn, users can choose to use Array API by enabling or disabling a flag called "array_api_dispatch." We'll demonstrate how to turn on this flag during the tutorial and showcase the resulting performance changes. By the end of this talk, attendees will have a high-level understanding of the Array API standard and know how to use it in their own scikit-learn projects.