PyLadiesCon 2024

Impact of Open Source on my professional journey
2024年12月7日 , Main Stream
語言: English

In this talk, I will share insights on things I learned by contributing to open source projects in the past 3 years. I will share the kind of soft skills and technical skills that I picked up when contributing to Python based Apache Airflow followed by showing how the Python based Frappe framework developer CLI tools eases the process of setting the development environment. Then I will add the learning through another Open source project Listmonk, a golang based tool that manages the newsletter and mailing list manager. In that process I learnt how two languages are distinct in their own way and witnessed how raw SQL queries are used in a project. I have primarily contributed to Apache Airflow project and fixed few issues in Frappe and Listmonk. This talk outlines the learning that I gathered through these 3 projects.

Some of the skills that I learned through Apache Airflow include the importance of reading other pull requests, the written form of communication being so powerful, code is not an asset, and don't worry about throwing it away. With Frappe my learning while setting up the development mode in my computer showed how I can set up multiple apps into development mode through DNS-based multitenancy. Then I will walk through the next project that I tried my hands-on, Listmonk a Golang-based tool to learn more about coding in Golang. In that process, I learned how that language is distinct from Python. This is also a project that uses direct raw SQL queries rather than ORM. That led me to find out more about how parameterized queries and prepared statements can be used to avoid SQL injections. My intent in showing all three different open source projects is to show how each project has different things to offer and the sort of learning process that each projects would kickstart in your mind. I will focus on the glimpse of each learning rather than taking a deep technical dive to show how Open Source can offer a wide range of learning for each person. I hope this will lead the listeners to explore Open source projects and learn from it in their own way.

您也可參考: Slides to the talk