PyLadiesCon 2024

Python profiling tools
2024年12月7日 , Main Stream
語言: English

During this talk we will explore some of the most powerful tools available for Python developers, guiding on when and how to use them to make your code run faster and more efficiently.

First we are going to talk about what is profiling and why we might need it. Then we will use some simple and intentionally slowed-down Python code to see how we can find the exact bottleneck that is slowing the code down using different tools (cProfile, timeit, line_profiler, SnakeViz...)

I am a Self-taught Backend Developer working in a consultancy company that creates software for Swedish energy companies. I have a background in Business Administration and finance but never worked there. I got into tech accidentally just because I wanted to understand how Blockchain works and half of the book was code examples, so I started learning programming and had way too much fun with it and decided to become a software developer. I was working in my company in 2022, so I am in between Junior and Mid developer. I am also one of the PyLadies Stockholm members and organizers now.