PyTexas 2025

PyTexas 2025

PyTexas 2025 Speaker Call For Proposals


Talks should be 25 minutes long, and we will allot an additional 5 minutes for Q&A.
If you have an idea for a presentation that doesn’t fit the above guidelines, please submit it anyway. If it’s interesting enough, we’ll arrange our program around it.

Who should submit a proposal?

Everyone! We want all kinds of proposals from people of all experience levels. Whether you’ve never given a talk at a conference, or have given dozens. Whether you just discovered Python, or are an old hand. Whether you’re a programmer, designer, scientist, or music theorist (or whatever). We want to hear what you have to share!

The PyTexas Conference is in person this year. All speakers will give their presentations live and in person. We will not be supporting virtual talks this year.

What does the PyTexas Audience look like?

The PyTexas audience is a mixture of professionals and amateurs/learners across all aspects of Python, from backend to data science to education. Recently, our audience has been mostly people with 4+ years of experience. If you're looking for a conference to give your intermediate/advanced talk this would be it! Beginner/Entry level proposals are of course also always welcome.

What should I give a talk on?

Your talk can be about anything related to the Python programming language or of interest to the Python community. Some specific areas that people have expressed interest in for talks this year include:

  • General Python programming
  • Web Applications
  • DevOps/SRE
  • Scientific Computing
  • Data Science, Machine Learning, AI
  • Software Testing
  • Data Visualization
  • Python in Education
  • Open Source and Community
  • And more!

Some other ideas might be:

  • How you used Python to solve a specific problem.
  • Your favorite Python library
  • How to broaden diversity within the Python community.
  • Development tools for Python (or written in Python)

Does PyTexas offer any financial support for speakers?

PyTexas is a community-driven, volunteer-supported, not-for-profit conference with an “everybody pays” policy. This means that we ask everyone to purchase a ticket, and offer financial support to anyone that needs it, regardless of whether they are a speaker or not. If you have a talk accepted, you will receive a free ticket. However, you will need to provide your own accommodations.

You can enter proposals until 2024-12-01 23:59 (US/Central), 1 month, 2 weeks from now.