secIT by heise 2025

Artem Artemov

Artem Artemov ist Director of Services bei Group-IB Europe und bringt 18 Jahre Erfahrung in der Computerforensik und einen fundierten Hintergrund in der Kriminalermittlung aus seiner Zeit als Strafverfolgungsbeamter mit. Er hat hochkarätige Untersuchungen zur Reaktion auf Vorfälle bei einigen der berüchtigtsten Cyberkriminalitätsgruppen der Welt geleitet, darunter Anunak/Carbanak, Buhtrap, Lurk, Cobalt, Fin7, MoneyTaker, MuddyWater und verschiedenen Ransomware-Betreibern.

Als engagierter Pädagoge hat Artem mehr als 100 Schulungen und Workshops für Universitäten, Strafverfolgungsbehörden und kommerzielle Organisationen durchgeführt und dabei sein Fachwissen in den Bereichen Cyber-Bedrohungserkennung und digitale Forensik weitergegeben. Als anerkannter Branchenexperte ist er ein häufiger Redner auf großen Cybersicherheitskonferenzen.

Artem Artemov is the Director of Services at Group-IB Europe, bringing 18 years of experience in computer forensics and a strong background in crime investigation from his time as a law enforcement officer. He has led high-profile incident response investigations into some of the world’s most notorious cybercrime groups, including Anunak/Carbanak, Buhtrap, Lurk, Cobalt, Fin7, MoneyTaker, MuddyWater, and various ransomware operators.

A dedicated educator, Artem has delivered 100+ trainings and workshops for universities, law enforcement agencies, and commercial organizations, sharing his expertise in cyber threat intelligence and digital forensics. As a recognized industry expert, he is a frequent speaker at major cybersecurity conferences."

  1. Game Leader


Cyber Samurai GmbH: Incident Response Simulation Game in Cooperation with Group-IB
Artem Artemov, Vito Alfano, Arne Vodegel

Think Dungeons & Dragons but for cybersecurity!

What would you do if your organization were hit by a targeted cyberattack? Every decision counts in the Incident Response Simulation Game - a thrilling, immersive experience that puts your critical thinking and problem-solving skills to the test. Perfect for IT and security leaders.
Guided by expert facilitators from Group-IB, you’ll navigate realistic scenarios where high-stakes decisions determine how well your business weathers the storm. Through this practice, you'll gain the confidence and expertise to:
• Understand roles and responsibilities in incident response.
• Foster coordination and collaboration across teams.
• Develop essential strategies and tactics to mitigate cyber threats effectively.

This game isn’t just a training. It's an opportunity to hone your skills, uncover blind spots, and walk away with actionable insights that you can apply in your role.

Deep Dive Session
Future Meeting Space 2
Cyber Samurai GmbH: Incident Response Simulation Game in Cooperation with Group-IB
Artem Artemov, Vito Alfano, Arne Vodegel

Think Dungeons & Dragons but for cybersecurity

What would you do if your organization were hit by a targeted cyberattack? Every decision counts in the Incident Response Simulation Game—a thrilling, immersive experience that puts your critical thinking and problem-solving skills to the test. Perfect for IT and security leaders.
Guided by expert facilitators from Group-IB, you’ll navigate realistic scenarios where high-stakes decisions determine how well your business weathers the storm. Through this practice, you'll gain the confidence and expertise to:
• Understand roles and responsibilities in incident response.
• Foster coordination and collaboration across teams.
• Develop essential strategies and tactics to mitigate cyber threats effectively.

This game isn’t just a training. It's an opportunity to hone your skills, uncover blind spots, and walk away with actionable insights that you can apply in your role.

Deep Dive Session
Future Meeting Space 2