State of the Map Africa 2021

Geoffrey Kateregga

Geoffrey Kateregga is the Community Manager at Eastern and Southern Africa Open Mapping Hub of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. Geoffrey has been working with HOT since 2015. He is also an active member of the OpenStreetMap Africa community - a network of local OpenStreetMap communities from all over Africa organizing State of the Map Africa and joining hands to share resources and collaborate to grow and produce a complete and well-detailed map of Africa on OpenStreetMap in order to advance the quality, completeness, and sustainability of geospatial data in Africa.


Best Practices for Meaningful Online Sessions with Open Geospatial Communities
Geoffrey Kateregga, Arnalie Vicario, Can Unen, Damilola Ayomide Olufemi

The Workshop aims to gather and engage different open geospatial communities and members to crowdsource learning experiences and best practices in designing and/or co-designing virtual sessions (such as mapathons, workshops, webinars, etc) to create meaningful engagement and open dialogues for and with the participants. This is also a venue to discuss how we can ensure inclusive and accessible online sessions for all.

Room 1
From local communities to local chapters.
Geoffrey Kateregga

This panel discussion will look into the opportunities and barriers around becoming a local chapter from the perspective of OSM communities in Africa as well as share best practices to bring together multiple groups that are contributing to OpenStreetMap in the same country to form a national level local chapter. And lastly, dig into the issue of doing paid work as a local OSM community and the best ways to handle it so it benefits the community.

Room 2