State of the Map Africa 2021

Community mapping insecure region during COVID_19
21/11/2021 , Room 1
Langue: English

The lake Chad region (Nigeria, Chad, Cameroun, Niger) has witnessed insurgency attacks since 2013, which has greatly affected the people of the region especially children and women. Currently, the BAY (Borno, Adamawa, Yobe) states are the most affected. In view of the already degenerated socio-economic and health conditions of the internally displaced persons in north-eastern Nigeria, it is crucial to deploy sustainable solutions that will mitigate the effect especially with the current COVID-19 pandemic

The lake chad region (Nigeria, Chad, Cameroun, Niger) has witness insurgency attacks since 2013, which has greatly affected the people of the region especially children and women. Currently, the BAY (Borno, Adamawa, Yobe) states are the most affected. In view of the already degenerated socio-economic and health conditions of the internally displaced persons in northeastern Nigeria, it is crucial as a preventive and responsive measure to COVID-19 outbreak to clearly
1 To train member of the community especially people from Borno, Yobe and Adamawa on the use and benefit of OpenStreetMap through knowledge and skill transfer, thereby ensuring sustainability
2 Identify and map infrastructures in the north east that support prompt response to COVID-19 incidences, such as health facilities, isolation centers, treatment centers, safe places, and quarantine centers among others.
3 To establish digitize road to support mechanism for the state COVID-19 taskforce in managing cases and referrals through efficient utilization of OSMAnd navigation app by ambulance drivers while responding to transfer of patients
4 To train ambulance driver on the use of OSMAnd app for navigation to support COVID_19 emergency response
5 To set up youth mappers club at the University of Maiduguri and Ramat Polytechnic
6 To continuously organize mapping and capacity development session with the community mappers to ensure that their continuity in the activities of OpenStreetMap in Nigeria as well as support other mapping activities in the region

Kazeem is a GIS/Information Management specialist and a certified project manager (PMP) in various capacity of deployment, management, and implementation and development of ICT/geospatial solutions.
He has been mapping on OSM for the past 8years, he is a user of free and Open Source geospatial solutions. He is the coordinator of the humanitarian mappers in Nigeria.