State of the Map Africa 2021

Mnadani Community Mapping Project - IRDP YouthMapper Chapter (Dodoma)
21/11/2021 , Room 1
Langue: English

Mnadani is one of the wards which found in Dodoma Urban District at Dodoma Region. This ward includes 4 streets includes (Mnadani, Ndachi, Mbwanga and Karume). Mnadani ward is surrounded by other nearby wards like Miyuji, Msalato, Kizota, Chang’ombe, Nala and Mbalawala. Despite of this ward to be located in town, but there some problems and challenges which still continue to plague its community like having poor infrastructure and services. In that case, after experience the condition the IRDP YouthMappers Chapter started to made some initiatives which will help to get rid of those problems and challenges.

This project aims to track all challenges and problems facing the community of Mnadani Ward. Mappers from IRDP YouthMappers together with community members were participated to ensure their problems are revealed and get solution. Tracked features were all infrastructures and social services found at Mnadani Wards, includes Road Conditions, Building, Electricity Coverage, Public Offices, Health Services, Education and so on. Open Source technology were used so as to help the achievement of the activities such as JOSM and ID editor for Remote Mapping, ODK and Mapillary for Physical Data Collection, QGIS for Maps designing. But also IRDP YouthMappers prepared training and workshop which help youthmappers and Mnadani Community to have good understand to the project activities.

I'm Shabani Magawila from Tanzania, I had been joined in OSM Community in 2017. I used to be YouthMapper's President at the Institute of Rural Development-Mwanza. I'm taking Bachelor in Urban Planning and Environment Management here at IRDP-Dodoma. I got volunteered and participated in various OSM Projects and Events. I'm skilful in OSM Tools, GIS and Remote Sensing Technology.