State of the Map Africa 2021

Translating and writing on the OSM wiki [EN/FR]
20/11/2021 , Room 1
Langue: Français

The OSM wiki is a core part of OpenStreetMap. It serves as a reference and a precious container for OSM documentation, tagging and history of community decisions.
However as described in a previous edition of the State of the Map Africa, there is a significative gap in contextualization of the content in non Western countries and in other languages than English.
Therefore this bilingual workshop proposed by OSM DRC local chapter aims to provide some tips and allow participants to start with their first OSM wiki edits.

The OSM wiki is a core part of OpenStreetMap. It serves as a reference and a precious container for OSM documentation, tagging and history of community decisions.
However as described in a previous edition of the State of the Map Africa, there is a significative gap in contextualization of the content in non Western countries and in other languages than English.
Additionally in some countries, IPs from usual Internet providers are blacklisted by the wiki system, which becomes an additional obstacle to start contributing to the wiki.
Therefore this bilingual workshop proposed by OSM DRC local chapter aims to provide some tips and allow participants to start with their first OSM wiki edits. Participants will also learn how to translate an existing page in another language, how to add pictures etc.