State of the Map Africa 2021

Leveraging the Use of OSM Data and Tools in Tanzania
21/11/2021 , Room 1
Langue: English

OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ) with support from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is supporting OpenStreetMap (OSM) communities across Tanzania through the OMDTZ Community Impact Microgrants. The purpose of these microgrants is to expand Tanzania’s local community involvement in open mapping and support them with the necessary resources they need to grow. This is a support program for local communities in Tanzania to leverage OSM data and tools and help them to solve local challenges.

OMDTZ is providing community impact microgrants to seven OSM communities in Tanzania. The grants provided will support these communities to leverage the use of OSM and mapping to help solve different community challenges and improve the use of OSM data in Tanzania.

The communities selected will implement their project in a duration of 3 to 6 months. The projects supported include Schools mapping to improve the education system in Zanzibar, Solid wastes mapping for flood resilience, Community mapping to improve nutrition status in Bukoba, Community mapping for gender-based violence, Community mapping for disease outbreaks e.g. ebola, Infrastructural mapping, and Health facilities mapping.

The selected communities will leverage OSM and tools to create datasets that will support solving community challenges through open mapping. The data collected is expected to support informed decisions towards sustainable solutions. Also, creation of awareness and involvement of potential OSM data users such as government authorities, public and private organizations, community-based organizations etc. The grants provided are also expected to support creating new OSM communities that will foster the growth and expansion of OSM communities in Tanzania that are conversant with open mapping and the use of different tools for data collection.

Amour Nyalusi is a Community Microgant manager and Quality Assurance Supervisor at OpenMap Development Tanzania. He is an expert in OSM data quality checks, field data cleaning and delivering workshops on the use of OSM and open mapping tools i.e QGIS and JOSM. He believes in the use of geospatial technologies to solve different community challenges through evidence-based decisions.