State of the Map Africa 2021

Lukas Mocek

Lukas Mocek
International Community & Partnership Development @SensorCommunity

Sensor.Community is a contributors driven global sensor network that creates Open
Environmental Data.
Our mission is to inspire and enrich people’s lives by offering a platform for the collective
curiosity in nature that is genuine, joyful and positive.

The global Sensor.Community platform has grown to more than 14.000 sensors in over 70 countries and has generated > data-points (July 2021).

Our Guides are available in 24 languages on:


Sensor.Community - Open Environmental Data
Lukas Mocek

Sensor.Community is a contributors driven global sensor network that creates Open Environmental Data.
Our mission is to inspire and enrich people’s lives by offering a platform for the collective curiosity in nature that is genuine, joyful and positive.
We receive Air-Quality Data from >14.000 sensors in >70 countries each 2 ½ minutes and have generated > data-points (July 2021).
Everything ever measured is available as Open Data.
Check out the live view here:

Room 2