State of the Map Africa 2021

Abdoul Oubeidillah

Im an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas. My work is in Water Resources and Climate as well as Disaster Risk and Mitigation.
In addition, I am a member of the Africa Science and Technology Advisory Group of the African Union for Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa.
I also work as an international consultant in project related to my professional field.
I am from Comoros.


OSM in Comoros - Challenges and Opportunities
Abdoul Oubeidillah

OSM activities have started with the National Agency for Civil Security with simply digitization of a few infrastructure in the country.
However, while different initiatives were undertaken to advance these activities, OSM has failed to take off. This talk will present Open Street Map activities in Comoros, the challenges and opportunities to advance it further as a community tool for the country development and for disaster risk reduction.

Room 2