State of the Map Africa 2021

Dativah Nuwashaba

My Name is Dativah Nuwashaba and I am the founder of the Center For Life Change and Development (CLCD) a community-based organization that is working to end Gender-Based Violence in Western Uganda.
I am a Psychologist by profession and a new member of the OpenStreetMap Community. I recently attended the OSM internship program at MapUganda where I acquired all the skills and knowledge in the use of Open Map tools and I have decided to use the same tools to fight GBV in Western Uganda where CLCD is operating.


Using OSM Tools to Fight GBV in Western Uganda
Dativah Nuwashaba

The Center for Life Change & Development (CLCD) in partnership with MapUganda is executing a community-driven project on Using OSM tools to end Gender-Based Violence in Western Uganda.
The project's main goal is for the community to be able to use Maps.Me to report GBV cases, create a team of mappers in western Uganda, and train Police Officers on how to respond to reported cases using Maps.Me

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