State of the Map Africa 2021


James Magige is a Data Manager/Geospatial analyst at CCORD. He is also the East Africa IAYG program Manager. James is also the program coordinator for the OpenStreetMap (OSM) Kenya and the communication committee member at the State of the Map Africa. As a program Manager at IAYG, James has helped in organizing for the East Africa regional competition in GIS, inviting students and young professionals under 25 to submit mapping projects focused on Geovisualizing. In 2020, he published a research on Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Etourism, a research that published by springer.


The rising water levels in Lake Turkana, Kenya

The long periods of the rising water levels along these Lakes has generated a humanitarian crisis with displacement of approximately 75,987 households across the affected thirteen (13) Counties with a total population of 379,935 requiring urgent humanitarian assistance. The affected people have endured disruptions of their livelihoods because of loss of assets such as homes, grazing lands and farming fields that have been destroyed and/or marooned by the flood waters. The people largely rely on farming and fishing for livelihood. The rising waters levels have destroyed social amenities like the learning institutions

Cartography and Data Visualization
Room 2