State of the Map Africa 2021

Stellamaris W, Nakacwa

Stellamaris is EverywhereSheMaps YouthMappers Regional Ambassador contributing to active engagement and empowerment of young women in technology. She is currently attending her graduate program in Geography at the University of West Virginia, United States. She holds a BSc. in Geomatics & Land Surveying and experience in geospatial technologies for land and socio-economic development, obtained through numerous projects and as a YouthMappers. She is also a sitting board member of MapUganda, a Uganda NGO working to promote the power of geo-crowdsourcing [OpenStreetMap] for the public good.


Bridging YouthMappers through the Pandemic: Opportunities and Challenges
Jariatou Jallow, Raya Ahmada, Stellamaris W, Nakacwa, Guy Pacome Adingra

We discuss the impact on outreach and the opportunities that have prevailed to help YouthMappers chapters active. School closures due to COVID-19 have brought significant disruptions to education across global. Emerging evidence from some of the region’s highest-income countries indicates that the pandemic is giving rise to learning losses and increases in inequality. One of the limitations of emergency remote learning is the lack of personal interaction between teacher and student. However, several universities have shown initiative by using other methods to improve the remote educational experience, including social media, email, telephone, and even meeting applications.

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