State of the Map Africa 2021

Journey Towards Building a Sustainable OSM Malawi Community
11-19, 11:00–11:20 (UTC), Room 1
Language: English

Communities are complex and continually evolving. Pressures such as population growth, climate change, migratory and age based demographic change and the push to be competitive in a global environment. Maps and spatial analysis can be used to better understand projects in terms of the impact on people and places. Analysing past and present data changes can help in decision making process and better Planning. whilst making use of a variety of available existing data platforms and software to come up with integrated solutions and making sure there is full use of existing platforms.

To be successful, economic developers need to understand their community's strengths, whether it's an educated and diverse workforce, affordable housing, lower cost of living, great transportation, or a thriving local economy. Leaders can use location intelligence(such as OSM, GeOSM, etc) to visualize and analyze business and community growth potential, combining data about demographics, lifestyle, and spending. This strategic approach helps communities create jobs, identify opportunities for economic gardening, and attract new business. Maps provide community leaders, businesses, and investors with key data and iterative development plans in real time. Spatial analysis and mapping can empower critical decisions about residential or commercial areas, land use, transportation, emergency preparedness and public spaces.
The goal is to help build resilient, sustainable communities with long term economic and environmental sustainability by empowering critical decision making through provision of tailor made decisions.

Christine is a GIS Data Analyst and Business Development Expert. she has a degree in Physical Planning with 5 years’ work experience working in the role of Business development under MHub (Malawi’s first innovation and technology Hub) and Sparc Systems Limited (leader in system integration for enterprise IT in Africa). She also lead the Mapathon activity under mHub. An initiative that seeked to create a community of young mappers across Malawi using open source tools like OSM, QGIS & Google Maps. She is also part of the GeOsm team responsible for the Communications and Business development within the GeOsm Family.