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Charles Chilufya

About Charles.
I hold a BA in Records and Archives management.
I am the Co-founder of Local Knowledge Mappers in Zambia.
YouthMappers 2020 Research fellow and Alumni.
I am also a strong OSM Trainer, Mapper, Validator, and OSM Community Builder.
GIS Analyst.
Strong open mapper contributor.
I am passionate about Data quality and inclusion in open mapping where the community should be at the center of Mapping activities.


Bridging Gender Gaps in OSM.
Charles Chilufya

Bridging up Gender Gaps in OSM.

The African OSM community is the fastest-growing organization that also aims at addressing the gender gaps and their co-existence around OSM. The reality remains gender biasedness is huge in technology and the OSM community. These gaps have been also observed in OSM Africa, where gender gaps are serious issues.
Therefore, addressing gender gaps in OSM should be prior at individual and organizational levels.
In recent months, the HOT global, OSM community, YouthMappers, and other organizations have started different campaigns in addressing these gender gaps.

An organization like YouthMappers launched a program called EverywhereSheMaps, OSM Zimbabwe started Ladies in Maps, Crowd2Map Tanzania, Girls in Geospatial, etc.

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team for Eastern and Southern Africa Hub (HOT-ESA-HUB) on the International Women's day it launched a program called #MapHerWorld campaign through the use of the EveryDoor mobile application. Speaking from a practical point of view, this campaign gave me immense time to be active and passionately contributed to the campaign in my country. I joined the campaign to encourage more females in OSM and am happy to be the top mapper for southern and Eastern Africa on this campaign.
This paper aimed at discussing bridging gaps in the OSM community and considering data inclusion. The speakers have been actively participating in MapHerWorld Campaign hosted by HOT ESA-HUB the campaign which aimed at improving gender gaps in OSM community.

Q1: Why did you decide to actively participate in a campaign despite being a male?
Q2 What are some of the impacts did you achieve for gender gaps?
Q3 How best can we build an inclusive OSM Africa that addresses Gender Gaps?
Q4 How can other organizations work with OSM Africa to bridge Gender Gaps?
Panelists: Charles(Zambia), Letwin (Zimbabwe), Kelvin Manase (Tanzania). Note that we may change speakers depends on how many will be available in Cameroon among these listed.

Room 1