Je m’appelle Abigaïl AGBENOMBA.
Cartographe de formation, je suis actuellement consultante indépendante en cartographie.
Je suis impliquée dans différentes activités de la communauté notamment des ateliers de formation en tant qu’organisatrice, formatrice et co-facilitatrice au cours des projets mis en œuvre au sein de différentes associations et initiatives comme OSM Bénin, Girlsmap. Je suis contributrice dans le mouvement Wikimédia et membre actif de Wikimediens du Bénin User Group depuis 2021.
- Comment tirer le meilleur parti du projet OpenStreetMap au sein du mouvement Wikimedia?

An enthusiastic geo-spatial data analyst, thrilled about leveraging my background in geography with my technical geospatial skills of Remote Sensing (RS) and the application of geographic information system (GIS) to solve pressing environmental challenge. My professional experiences include collecting and entering of data into GIS database, creating maps and performing geospatial data analysis.
- Mapping Analysis of Crime Incidence in Ngurore community using GIS approach

Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf is chair of GIScience (Geoinformatics) at Heidelberg University (Department of Geography) since late 2009. He is member of the Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR) and founding member of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE). Currently he is busy establishing the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT gGmbH). HeiGIT conducts research on OSM and develop services and applications based on OSM and open data in the fields like humanitarian aid, disaster management, smart mobility and climate action. Already since 2008 serves the OSM community with a broad range of functionalities related to routing and mobility.
2012 -2018 he was speaker of the graduate school “CrowdAnalyser - Spatio-temporal Analysis of User-generated Content“. He is also member of the editorial board of several journals and organized a set of conferences and workshops. 2012-2015 he was regional editor of the ISI Journal Transactions in GIS (Wiley). Currently he is associated editor of the international journal Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS) by Taylor & Francis (open access).
Before coming to Heidelberg he led the Chair of Cartography at Bonn University and earlier was Professor for Applied Computer Science and Geoinformatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany. He has a background in Mathematics and Geography from Heidelberg University and finished his PHD at the European Media Laboratory EML in Heidelberg. There he also conducted further research as a PostDoc for 3 years.
- Towards harnessing OpenStreetMap for Climate Action
amos katompa ,mem bre de la communaté OSM depuis 2015. point focal du projet EZO SALA (reponse à la pendemie à COVID 19 ) à kinshasa . assistant de recherche à l'université de kinshasa. passionné de la science et de la technologie ( NTIC ) et amoureux des activités humanitaires.
IT, Full stack developer,
GIS consultant,
Community Manager
- les enjeux de la cartographie dans les zones à conflits armés

Je suis Fenoharimihaja Nomena ANDRIANARIVO, étudiante en agronomie agroalimentaire, et j'ai une passion avide pour la cartographie. Jeune leader ambitieuse, je suis fière de servir en tant que présidente au sein du réseau Youthmappers chapter IST-A MADAGASCAR. Mon principal objectif est de promouvoir activement la cartographie tout en défendant avec conviction l'idée que le système d'information géographique n'est pas réservé à une élite telle que les intellectuels ou les cartographes, mais qu'il est accessible à tous, sans exception.
- CAMP’S TURN Antoetra MADAGASCAR par YouthManiaMapping, Youthmappers Chapter IST-A

Antidius Kawamala
OSM Translator (Swahili)
OSMF Member
Active Mapper
GIS Guru
and technology enthusiast who is optimistic about the future of OSM, Open Mapping and Open Data Systems in Tanzania and Africa at large.
Antidius is best known for champion on putting Tanga on the map.
He is a founder of ROOTGIS promoting innovation ecosystem in OSM through use of university networks in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, he is mainly known as the first person to innovate OSM Swahili platform that translates OSM information into Swahili language, as the first language spoken in East Africa, also as the who championed establishment of Swahili breakout room in Africa Monthly mapathons that he moderates regularly.
For two successive years 2021 and 2022 he has been advocating on putting Tanga on the map where he has been most influential Tanzanian in OSM spheres .
Antidius was part of the big project named Ramani Huria implemented in Dar es Salaam for five years funded by HOT as the Mapping supervisor and Quality Checks, also he has been involved in different HOT global activities as the volunteer in Trainings, Mapathons and Networking sessions.
In 2022, Antidius was selected by HOT Community Group as the one of the peer mentor in Mentorship Pilot Program, a program that involved experts from across the mapping communities and HOT in general where he came out with microgrant playbook that focuses on how mapping communities can secure grants and be sustainable.
Antidius is also a blogger focusing on innovation, technology entrepreneurship and the future of Open Mapping and Open Data Systems. He has written several thought-provoking articles about the innovation ecosystem in Open Mapping and Open Data Systems.
- Seamless Integration of QGIS and Mergin Maps for Collaborative Geodata Management and Efficient Workflows
Community member, OSM Philippines
Advocate, Geoladies PH
Online Community Engagement Lead, HOT
Board member, OSM Foundation
Arnalie from the Philippines, username: arnalielsewhere, advocates for open data and is passionate about building inclusive spaces in the open mapping and open geo community. She was a GIS Specialist for seven years until she shifted to (online) community engagement in 2020. She works as Online Community Engagement Lead at Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team - Philippines, and as a full time mother.
She has been an Openstreetmap contributor since 2016, the same year she joined and became part of the OSM community in the Philippines. In 2018, she met her partner at the State of the Map - Milan conference, and reconvened GeoLadies Philippines, an advocacy group for community diversity, collaborative participation, and affirmative spaces especially for women, and under-represented communities in OpenStreetMap. She is a supporter and ally of various communities and networks such as Geochicas, Women+ in Geo, Open Heroines, and more.
You can learn more about her views about community in OpenStreeMap and humanitarian open mapping in the [1] Geomob Podcast Interview - Arnalie Vicario: Building inclusive spaces in OSM as well as through her [2] OSM Diaries.
- Do you know about the… OpenStreetMap Foundation?
- Governance in open communities

Ata Franck AKOUETE est un contributeur OSM qui a à son actif plusieurs années d'engagement autour de la cartographie, des données ouvertes et des SIG libres. Il est à l'origine de beaucoup d'initiatives OSM et appuie la croissance du mouvement OSM au Togo et en Afrique. Il est passionné par l'innovation et la manière dont les données peuvent permettre d'améliorer le quotidien des communautés à la base.
- Le Mapping, un jeu d'enfants (Map4kids)
- Comment tirer le meilleur parti du projet OpenStreetMap au sein du mouvement Wikimedia?

Benjamin Herfort is researcher at HeiGIT and Heidelberg University. He has recently finished his PhD, for which he investigated questions of representation and data quality in OpenStreetMap from the perspectives of humanitarian and machine learning-assisted mapping in order to map what is not mapped. In his research and work he is furthermore dealing with the temporal evolution of OpenStreetMap data, MapSwipe and information from social media. He is developing open source tools and methods that incorporate geographic information systems for disaster management and humanitarian aid.
- Data meets people: Understanding OSM community activity with the ohsome framework

- Crowd Mapping for Food Security in South Omo Valley, Ethiopia

I am a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) & Remote Sensing professional with over 5 years hands-on experience in international organizations. I have worked with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 5 African countries. In 2021, I was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship and completed a Master of Science in Geographical Information Management with Distinction from Cranfield University in UK. In addition, I was awarded "The Esri UK Prize for the best student in the Geographical Information Management MSc" . I also hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Planning with Distinction from University of Malawi-The Polytechnic and a Certificate in Geospatial Data Management for Disaster Risk Management with Distinction from Malawi University of Science and Technology. I am a big fan of open data and OpenStreetMap having been a user and volunteer mapper for the last 8 years.
- Mapping Dwellings for Off-Grid Services Using Artificial Intelligence

I am Carolina Likiliwike from Tanzania, environmental scientist , certified Trusted Operator Program (TOP) and Certified level 1 Drone and Data Technologist ( CDDT) , a youthmapper also serving as a social media and disseminating manager of GeoTE organisation.
Enthusiastic young lady who always ready to lead, motivated, encourage, inspire and educate also always willing to learn from others.
- Motivate girls in geospatial technologies
My name is Chabota Munachoonga, Currently I’m the CEO for Open Data Lab Zambia. I am an Environmentalist by profession who graduated from the University of Zambia in 2020. While in University I actively volunteered in a number of leadership positions in different associations. I served as Treasurer for the YouthMappers UNZA chapter in 2017 in the same year I was awarded with a prize as best mapper for the chapter. With the passion for open data and mapping in 2018 I joined the OSM Zambia community, I served on different projects as a Mapping Supervisor recruiting and training mappers. Fast forward in 2021 I was appointed to serve as the Community Engagement Officer for Open Data Lab Zambia (OSM Zambia). I have a passion for environmental conservation, GIS, Maps and Open Data. Beyond that I play chess and basketball once in a while.
- Map My City Campaign

About Charles.
I hold a BA in Records and Archives management.
I am the Co-founder of Local Knowledge Mappers in Zambia.
YouthMappers 2020 Research fellow and Alumni.
I am also a strong OSM Trainer, Mapper, Validator, and OSM Community Builder.
GIS Analyst.
Strong open mapper contributor.
I am passionate about Data quality and inclusion in open mapping where the community should be at the center of Mapping activities.
- Bridging Gender Gaps in OSM.

Chifuniro Baluwa is an Environmental Scientist who has a passion for using open geospatial resources to solve pressing environmental and health issues in Malawi. She has recently been awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to study MSc in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) at the University of Leeds. Currently, Chifuniro is a Hamish Ogston Foundation early career grant awardee. She is working on cholera strengthening in Blantyre, Malawi and she is committed to using Open Data to drive decision-making processes to save lives.
- The development of an interactive dashboard to visualize cholera hotspots in Blantyre, Malawi.
- Governance in open communities
Chomba Chishala is an accomplished Senior Mapping Supervisor for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). With a deep passion for mapping and community engagement, Chomba has dedicated himself to using OpenStreetMap (OSM) as a tool for social impact and humanitarian aid.
Chomba's journey in the world of mapping began over seven years ago when he joined the OSM Zambia community. Through his active participation and contributions, he quickly established himself as a valuable member of the community. His dedication and expertise in mapping soon caught the attention of the HOT team, leading to his appointment as a Senior Mapping Supervisor.
As a Senior Mapping Supervisor, Chomba plays a crucial role in overseeing and coordinating mapping projects for HOT. He brings his extensive knowledge and experience to guide and support a team of mapping professionals, ensuring the accuracy and quality of the mapping data produced. Chomba's meticulous approach and attention to detail have made him an indispensable asset to the HOT organization.
In addition to his role with HOT, Chomba has been actively involved with the YouthMappers initiative. He served as a regional ambassador, promoting the use of mapping technologies and fostering collaboration among young mappers in the region. Chomba's enthusiasm for mentoring and empowering young mappers led to him being selected as a YouthMappers research fellow in 2018, where he had the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in the field of geospatial data.
Chomba's commitment to his work goes beyond borders. In 2018, he had the privilege of being a YouthMappers research fellow in the United States.
- Promoting evidence based integrated planning through community mapping

Physical(Town) Planner
Geospatial Technologies enthusiast
HOT Voting Member
HOT Governance working group
HOT community working group
OSM Malawi Acting Lead
GeOsm Business Development Executive.
I am passionate about open source mapping projects and I am an active OSM member. I am also very passionate about new technologies and innovations.
- GeOsm platform to engage OSM communities in Africa and beyond
- Governance in open communities

Daudi Lyakurwa is an accomplished individual who has excelled in various fields. Born and raised in in Arusha, Tanzania. Daudi Lyakurwa demonstrated a keen interest in transformative ethical leadership, sports and games, critical creativity and innovation, from an early age.
With a natural curiosity and a passion for learning, Daudi Lyakurwa is pursing higher education, bachelor of science in Economics Project Planning and Management at Mzumbe University . During their academic journey, they distinguished themselves as a dedicated and diligent student, consistently achieving outstanding results.
After completing Secondary education, Daudi Lyakurwa embarked on an internship journey that showcased his volunteering spirit and giving back to his community and making a positive change witb versatility and adaptability. I gained valuable experience volunteering in Social Impact department where they honed their skills in clinical research and data analysis and presentation.
Driven by a desire for personal and professional growth, Daudi Lyakurwa has consistently sought out opportunities to expand his knowledge and broaden his horizons. He have attended workshops, seminars, and training programs, allowing them to stay at the forefront of industry trends and developments.
Beyond his professional pursuits, Daudi Lyakurwa is known for his warm and approachable demeanor. He possess excellent communication skills, which enable him to connect with others effortlessly. His natural leadership abilities have also been recognized, and they have effectively led teams and projects with remarkable success.
In his leisure time, Daudi Lyakurwa enjoys playing football and watching Informative videos and clips. He find joy in volunteering and being an asset of change in his community , which allows him to relax and recharge.
Looking ahead, Daudi Lyakurwa is committed to pursuing new opportunities and making a positive impact in their chosen field. With his passion, expertise, and drive for excellence, he continue to inspire and motivate those around him
- OSM education in schools
David is HOT's Regional Partnerships Manager for Eastern and Southern Africa. In this role, he supports the building of partnerships in the region between mapping communities, humanitarian organizations, development partners, academia, local governments, and government agencies to further mapping efforts with the aim of creating and using map data for decision-making. Previously, working with HOT as a Programs Manager, David supported mapping projects in urban and rural settings from a diverse range of use cases such as public health, sustainable cities, disaster preparedness and response, immigration and displacement of people, and government service delivery. His previous work spans locations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
- Open Mapping Grants - Insights and Learnings from Eastern and Southern Africa

Desire Gift is a dedicated YouthMappers Regional Ambassador based in Uganda and a passionate Geo YouthMapper(Makerere University Chapter). Currently finalizing a Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying and Geomatics at Makerere University, this gives her a strong background in spatial data collection and analysis in relation to open mapping. Desire actively collaborates with diverse stakeholders, leveraging open mapping and geospatial technology to address community challenges. Desire puts first knowledge sharing and capacity building among YouthMappers chapters in East Africa, while also advocating for diversity and inclusion in the geospatial field. Desire envisions a future where open mapping contributes to sustainable development and positive social impact throughout the region.
- Empowering YouthMappers Uganda: Open Mapping for Local Development and Inclusion
Mr. Thomas, EdD, MBA, PMP, is a certified teacher is Math, Economics, and Human Geography with over several years of experience teaching. He has taught 10 year old-high schools students how to crisis map and trained other teachers to through Mapathons. His passion for teaching Crisis Mapping is rooted in his experience teaching through the most expensive disaster in human history The Tohoku Earthquake in Japan. Following the earthquake and tsunami he lead a coalition to do humanitarian relief work in the disaster area and took an active part in the paradigm changing Sendai Framework. In addition to teaching and humanitarian relief work, he has also enjoyed working in non-profit, private, public sectors on financial inclusion and poverty alleviation projects. He is bilingual and loves to travel visiting over 37 countries.

I am a geographer from Greece living in Nairobi and working for the UNESCO science sector where i designed a groundwater database and I am currently constructing a change strategy for data management. I studied GIS in Utrecht, NL and my vision is to apply my science for the benefit of humanity.
- OSM fitness of use for the Global South

Emanuel Kombe is a highly skilled professional in Geography and Environmental studies, known for his expertise in OpenStreetMap (OSM) and his role as an OSM Advanced Level, Project Manager, and GIS Person. With a passion for geospatial technology and a deep understanding of its applications, Emanuel has made significant contributions to the mapping community. As an OSM Advanced Level, he has demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skills in leveraging the open-source platform to create accurate and detailed maps. His expertise in data collection, analysis, and visualization has significantly enhanced the quality and usability of OSM data.
As a Project Manager, Emanuel has led numerous successful mapping initiatives, overseeing large-scale projects and coordinating diverse teams of mappers. His exceptional organizational skills, attention to detail, and ability to navigate complex spatial data have consistently ensured timely completion of projects and the delivery of high-quality maps.
Emanuel's proficiency in GIS extends beyond OSM, with a comprehensive understanding of various GIS software and tools. His expertise in spatial analysis, geocoding, and remote sensing has been pivotal in solving complex geospatial challenges and providing valuable insights for decision-making processes. He is a highly qualified professional in his field, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in GIS technology and participating in conferences and workshops.
Emanuel's dedication to open-source mapping and his passion for utilizing geospatial technology to solve real-world problems have established him as a respected figure in the field. His contributions as an OSM Advanced Level, Project Manager, and GIS person have not only advanced the mapping community but also had a tangible impact on various institutions and organizations relying on accurate and up-to-date spatial data.
- Innovative Approaches to Solid Waste Management: Harnessing the power of GIS, OpenStreetMap Data, and Community.

EN: Enock is a craft OpenStreetMap contributor and community member. He promotes and advocates using Free and Open Source Software and Communities of Practice.
FR: Enock est un contributeur artisanal d'OpenStreetMap et un membre de la communauté. Il promeut et défend l'utilisation des logiciels libres et des communautés de pratique.
- How do we map: Creating a reusable OpenStreetMap
- A quick introduction to OSGeoLive and How to reuse OpenStreetMap

Erick is a Tanzania UN youth fellow in 2023, Serving as a YouthMappers regional ambassador for the YouthMappers Program where he helps to support university-led chapters in the East African region striving to share his skills in open mapping to support data-based decisions and solving community climate-related challenges. Also, as the National Focal point for the United Federation of Youth for water and climate (UN1FY), He dreams to see a network of team players among youth who are focused on finding solutions for their communities by giving out insights and educating their local community, especially marginalized groups through capacity development and giving voice to youth to create team players among themselves in addressing climate and water-related challenges. Erick is also a co-founder of a non-governmental organization “GeoTE TANZANIA” which aims at using Geospatial technology to help address sustainable development goals. As a researcher, Erick published the article titled “Analysis of the Current and Future Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Peri-Urban Areas of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques” in the Tanzania Journal of Science.
- "Mapping flood protected zones and evacuation routes to improve response capabilities in local communities"
Esthelyne is the Urban Mobility Project Specialist for WRI Africa. She works primarily on project coordinations, research and administrative support for the WRI African Cities Program, including support in the scaling of transit mapping in African cities and integrated transport planning. Prior to joining WRI, Esthelyne worked as a Junior Project Manager at Vias Institute, a major Belgian knowledge centre that aims to improve road safety, along with mobility and safety in general. She also had an internship at Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA) in Kigali, Rwanda. Esthelyne holds an MSc in Transpotation Sciences, specialised in traffic safety from the University of Hasselt, Belgium.
- Unlocking the Potential of Sustainable Mobility Data in Africa: A Workshop on Mapping and Innovation

Ezekiel Edgar Kiariro is the student from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) which is found in Morogoro – Tanzania, pursuing a bachelor of science in Environmental science and Management, third year Student. Also served as the President of SMCoSE YouthMappers chapters 2022/ 2023. He is a Heavy mapper with two years of experiences in mapping activities. Highly active contributor in contributing to the OpenStreetMap (OSM). Participated in several project involving the integration of OpenStreetMap data and GIS techniques in solving challenges facing his community. He loves mapping.

Geoffrey Kateregga is an ardent advocate for open mapping and community building, embarking on his journey in 2012 when he joined OpenStreetMap following a memorable Mapping Party in Kampala. Since then, he has been an active and influential contributor to the local community in Uganda, playing a key role in its transformation into a thriving non-profit organization.
In 2015, he joined the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, where he currently serves as the Community Projects Lead. His dedication centres around empowering communities and fostering collaboration across the region, making a profound impact on sustainable development.
Geoffrey's passion for OpenStreetMap is further reflected in his dedicated involvement with OpenStreetMap Africa, a network of local OSM communities. He spearheads efforts to organize the bi-annual State of the Map Africa conference, celebrating successful editions in Kampala, Uganda (2017), Abidjan, Ivory Coast (2019), Online (2021), and Yaounde, Cameroon (2023).
Committed to the broader OpenStreetMap community, Geoffrey actively participates in several working groups, including the HOT Community Working Group, Voting Membership and Training Working Group, as well as the OSMF Local Chapters and Communities Working Group. He firmly believes in the transformative power of collaboration to bring about positive change and progress.
Beyond his contributions to OpenStreetMap, Geoffrey remains engaged as a member of the Wikimedia Community User Group in Uganda, where he passionately advocates for open knowledge sharing and community-driven initiatives.
- Unveiling the State of OpenStreetMap in Africa: Challenges, Successes, and Membership Structures
- Governance in open communities
Gertrude Namitala is a GIS expert, ICT4D consultant and recognised open data advocate. She holds a bachelor of Science in Information Technology from Amity University, India (2013).
She is the co-founder of Open Data Lab Zambia and OpenStreetMap Zambia, organisations that advocate for open map data and aim at mapping Zambia. She served as a board member for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, an international team dedicated to humanitarian action and community development through open mapping for disaster preparedness, mitigation and response and economic development. As a board member for HOT, Gertrude has brought in strategic ideas that are being implemented in the communities across the world. She is one of the pioneers of OSM Africa, a body responsible to promote mapping of the African continent and bringing together all African countries to contribute to OpenStreetMap. In OSM Africa, she leads the activation working group that is responsible for leading activations in any African country when disaster happens. Gertrude is the managing director of Trudigital Technologies LTD, a technology solutions company that has worked in different sectors in Africa to solve solutions that improve service delivery. She has innovated different technology platforms as an individual consultant and through Trudigital Technologies Ltd for government, private and non-government entities.
- Empowering Africa's Development through Geospatial Intelligence through AI Powered Mapping
I am Gibril Ahmed Lansana. I am a Bachelor of Science degree holder in Geology from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. Currently pursuing a master's degree in environmental management and quality Control (EMQC). During my studies at Fourah Bay College in 2017, I started volunteering as a youth mapper. I am the National Secretary for OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone. My little way of contributing to humanity is by mapping voluntarily and making data available for use. I have implemented several projects with OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone. The most notable was the power grid mapping project which we delivered across twenty communities country wide.

Guy Pacome Adingra est un Ivoirien passionné de Cartographie collaborative, Membres de la communauté OSMCI. En 2016 il a fondé le chapitre YoutheMappers CURAT. YoutheMappers Leadershipe fellow et Regionale Ambassador entre 2020 et 2021. Il a été aussi Président du comité d'organisation du SOTM Africa 2019 qui s'est tenue à Grand Bassam. Jeune Chercheur, il est également un fervent défenseur de l'éducation et de la promotion de OSM dans le domaine de la recherche.
- YoutheMappers "Mobilisation des Universités Francophone"

My name is Bafamodei Hopeful. I'm a member and women program associate of Unique Mappers Network Nigeria. I am a Nigerian. I hold a Masters degree in Religious and Cultural studies. I
have passion for community engagement and girls and women empowerment. I empower girls and women through outreaches, training of girls and women in open mapping tech, skill acquisition and education. I have impacted over 100 girls through my initiative still not relenting as I seize every opportunity to build my self to become a better person and share knowledge with like minds.
- Campaigning and Engaging Girls and Women Towards Positive Change using Open Mapping Tech in Nigeria

In collaboration with State of the Map Africa, HOT and the African Open Mapping Hubs are bringing the Humanitarian Open Mapping Sessions to the conference.
Hosted by Geoffrey Kateregga, the Humanitarian Open Mapping Sessions will bring an exciting mix of content and workshops related to open mapping, informal settlement mapping, climate action and resilience and new community technology in the humanitarian open mapping space.
- Humanitarian Open Mapping Sessions - Slum community data
- Mapping with FAO in Somalia and meet the Sketch Map Tool
- Humanitarian Open Mapping Sessions - Climate resilience data
- Community mapping tools to meet community empowerment challenges

Iddy Chazua is a GIS and Tech Lead at OMDTZ with work experience in several countries such as Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Liberia, DRC and Indonesia. He holds a BA in Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Dar es Salaam and has extensive experience in data analysis and visualization, data management, and configuration of data collection tools such as OpenDataKit and ODK central servers. With his expertise, Iddy has successfully supported numerous projects including Zanzibar Solid Waste Management Value Chain Optimization Study, Ramani Huria, Open Skies Fellows, Greater Kampala Integrated Flood Resilience Partnership, Using Low-Cost Equipment to Gather High Precision Data for Flood Modeling in Msimbazi and Tanzania Nationwide Mills Census. Iddy's responsibilities include assisting with technology development, overseeing initiatives and insure skills development for the team.
- Using ODK App & ODK Central to Build a live Web-Map for handling Nationwide Data

Innocent Maholi holds a Bsc. in Urban and Regional Planning from Ardhi University in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Since his early days after graduation in 2015, Innocent worked with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT - in several positions including the Deputy Country Manager for Tanzania. In 2017, Innocent co-founded a local mapping organization OpenMap Development Tanzania best known as (OMDTZ - which he now heads as the Executive Director.
Innocent is an open mapping guru, trainer, and open data enthusiast dedicated to building sustainable communities that collect, analyze and use open data for informed decision-making to solve local challenges. Among others, Innocent’s drive is on SDG GOAL 13: Climate Action as well as GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Innocent and the OMDTZ team have heavily engaged in the success of most community mapping projects in and outside Tanzania through capacity building, training, and knowledge sharing. For example, they have worked with communities under the Ramani Huria ( ---a community mapping for flood resilience project in Dar es Salaam to train university students and community members to create highly accurate maps of the most flood-prone areas of the city--- to improve Disaster and Risk Management in the city and create datasets for government and other stakeholders to use to create a better environment for urban resilience.
- Building Sustainable Open Mapping Communities across Africa

Isaac Kingsley Arthur-Gaisie is a second year undergraduate student at Kwame Nkrumah University of Scienceand Technology (KNUST) pursuing Bachelor of Arts Geography and Rural Development. He is a 2023 YouthMappers Leadership Summit Fellow and also the KNUST YouthMappers Deputy Organising Secretary. Kingsley is a highly motivated individual with a strong passion for learning and also very involved in his chapters actives to solve community problems. Has a natural thirst for knowledge, and is always eager to learn new things about Geospatial tool's. He believes in term work, dedicated individual who is committed and making a positive impact in his YouthMappers chapter and the community as well.
- Producing Quality OSM Data. Beginner Guidelines and Shortcuts To Mapping With iD Editor and JOSM.

My name is Janeth Erasto Mwakisole, a graduate with a degree in Environmental Sciences and Management. Later on, I was certified as a drone expert and geospatial data analyst from ADDA. Currently, I am a secretary and a drone pilot of a non-profit organization (GEOTE) that is aiming to solve environmental problems using geospatial technology and open data for sustainable development. I am interested in using drone technology and GIS to solve problems that arise in my community, empower women, and engage them in the drone industry and science and technology as a whole
- "Mapping flood protected zones and evacuation routes to improve response capabilities in local communities"

Jimerveille THIERRY-NGOUAMA, étudiant en master de géomatique à l'université Denis SASSOU-NGUESSO, est un fervent défenseur des technologies géospatiales. Son parcours au sein de YouthMappers, de vice-président à ambassadeur régional, témoigne de son engagement en faveur de l'autonomisation des jeunes passionnés de géospatial. Animé par une foi inébranlable dans le travail en réseau et l'innovation, Jimerveille imagine un Congo où l'intelligence géospatiale améliore de manière transparente la vie quotidienne. Ses efforts entrepreneuriaux à travers LGIS et son implication active dans les communautés de cartographie ouverte donnent vie à cette vision, façonnant l'avenir géospatial du Congo.
- YoutheMappers "Mobilisation des Universités Francophone"
- State of the Map Republic of Congo 2024

Johanes Petro is a GIS and Technical Project Manager at Open Map Development Tanzania with vast field experience supervising data collection for urban resilience. He was selected by the Permanent Secretary of PORALG to join the national technical on-field committee for the establishment and development of Kwala Commercial and Investment City due to his expertise. Johanes holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Urban and Regional Planning and has extensive experience managing various projects within and outside Tanzania, including Geoglam/Crop Mapping by Collecte Localisation Satellites(CLS) and TerraSphere, Mills Mapping and School Mapping by United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Ramanihuria by World Bank, Tanzania Rural Electrification (Tanzania Minigrid) - REA Phase III, Zambia off-grid, Lusaka Facilities, and Sanitation Programmes.
- The Power of Community Mapping in Nationwide Data Collection; A case study of Tanzania
Jorieke Vyncke leads since 2017 the Missing Maps initiative at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). She is responsible for all operationally linked MSF Missing Maps activities, such as imagery acquisition and community mapping. Jorieke is part of the Epidemiology-Public Health team of the Manson Unit at MSF UK, and gives as well Geographic Information System (GIS) support to colleagues at the Public Health Department.
- Harnessing the Power of Community to Strengthening Crisis Response
Joshua Kacheyo is a young man, aged 22. He is currently studying GIS at the Malawi University of Science and Technology. He is affiliated with YouthMappers, serving as a President of the MUST YouthMappers chapter, volunteering with the HOT Working group as a validation trainee, and also volunteering with Map Malawi. He is an Artificial Intelligence innovations enthusiast. His studies are focussing on integrating Machine Learning and Geospatial Technologies for different objectives.

Joy Unene was born on September 4th, 2001, Ramostw, Botswana.
Completed my grade 12 education
at Kazungula Boarding School. Currently a second year student at the university of Zambia, pursuing Bachelor of Arts in Project Management.
Joined OSM in December of 2022. And due to interest, made it being an advanced mapper in less than 2 months
As one pursuing project management, i intend to make an impactful difference in the world of mapping and use my knowledge and skills to actively contribute to the betterment and success of mapping
- Unleashing the power of open mapping for sustainable urban development in Africa

I'm JUMATATU GETIGA CHIWA taking my bachelor of Digital content and broadcasting engineering in the university of Dodoma, second year.
I'm the Founder and Director of Youth Tech Solution ( responsible for empowering youth in creating digital solutions.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of work groups and teams, leadership, innovative STEM teaching and learning (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education), Agility and adaptability, Creativity, Inspiration and Motivation are among my outstanding skills with my Four years work experience.
At this age of 23, My STEM EDUCATION gives youths/students skills that make them more employable and ready to meet the current labor demand. It encompasses the whole range of experiences and skills (It teaches critical thinking skills and instills a passion for innovation).
Empowering the future generations of Innovators and Creating youths/students minds to be with creative ideas which can take them into innovation while acquiring 21st century skills like geospatial skills, problem solving skills, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and confidence is among my first priority.
My LinkedIn profile
- MapKids project

Jumoke is a highly skilled and dedicated researcher specializing in environmental sustainability. With a focus on exploring the nexus of sustainable extraction and environmental geochemistry. Her expertise encompasses scientific research and project management, allowing her to uncover innovative solutions that balance developmental needs with environmental preservation.
As a published author, Jumoke has significantly contributed to the field of environmental sustainability. With a keen passion for creating a more sustainable future, she strives to drive positive change and inspire others to join the movement towards a greener and more resilient world.
Jumoke's visionary mindset and exceptional leadership skills have earned her recognition as a trailblazer in the field. Her ability to challenge existing paradigms and think outside the box enables her to forge new paths towards sustainability. With an unwavering dedication to environmental stewardship, she serves as a catalyst for progress, shaping a future where sustainable practices are at the forefront of global development.
- Assessing Potential of OpenStreetMap Data for Climate Resilience: A Case Study of Panguru Community, Nigeria

- Acessibility Mapping of Footways using Openstreetmap
Kennedy Jomokela currently serves as the Senior Mapping Supervisor under the Local Impact Governance Activity Project in Zambia. Kennedy joined the OpenStreetMap community in 2017 as a contributor at The University of Zambia and served as Publicity Secretary for the University of Zambia YouthMappers Chapter from 2018-2019.
Kennedy is also an active member of the OpenStreetMap Zambia community and has worked on different projects including, Mini-grid Rural Electrification Project (HOT), Driving Sustainable Change for Child’s Rights, Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Lusaka Water Sanitation Project in 2018 and 2020 in Zambia.
- Promoting evidence based integrated planning through community mapping

Kokou Elolo AMEGAYIBO is an Open Source and Open Data evangelist, and a committed contributor to OpenStreetMap since 10 years.
As project manager of Mia Tou Togo, he sets up innovative initiatives to promote the use of free technologies and open data. Thanks to his expertise in web development, geographic information systems (GIS) and data analysis, he is working to make geospatial information more accessible in Togo.
As co-founder of the OpenStreetMap Togo and Minodoo communities, Kokou Elolo AMEGAYIBO encourages collaboration and the dissemination of knowledge about open mapping and FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). He regularly organises workshops, training courses and events to raise public awareness of the importance of free, high-quality geographical data.
- OpenStreetMap en Afrique de l'Ouest : 10 ans de cartographie participative et d'impact local

Laura is a Geospatial engineer and technical community manager working at the intersection of open data, free and open-source software, and sustainable development.
She currently works at a Kenyan social enterprise to support teams scaling sanitation and regenerative agriculture in Kenya to adopt data for good. In my free time, she volunteers with tech communities; she has served as a YouthMappers regional ambassador from 2019 to 2022, supporting student-led and faculty-mentored university clubs in East and Central Africa. In 2018 together with fellow volunteers, Laura co-created the OSM community in Kenya and volunteered as the community coordinator till 2022.
- OSM Africa Monthly Mapathon(December 2023)
Lindsey and Kingsley are 2023 YouthMappers Summit Leadership Fellows, Jamaica. They are undergraduate students from the University of Ghana and KNUST respectively. Their hard work and dedication as chapter executives of their respective chapters have contributed to the growth and improvement of their respective chapters. As part of their commitment to leadership and mentorship, the duo collaboratively engage on various issues arising in both chapters and propose solutions to address those. Lindsey is a lover of open source and a strong believer in inclusivity and as such, believes strongly in including more girls to map. Kingsley loves to code during free periods.
- Producing Quality OSM Data. Beginner Guidelines and Shortcuts To Mapping With iD Editor and JOSM.
- The Role of OpenStreetMap in Harnessing SDG4: OpenStreetMap in School

In 2013, Maimouna Ndao joined the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, a renowned German political NGO known for its dedication to promoting political education and advocating for democratic socialism. At the foundation, Maimouna found her true calling and a community of like-minded individuals who shared her passion for social justice and transformation.
Maimouna's role at the foundation was multifaceted. She initially worked as a program coordinator, organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences aimed at educating and mobilizing individuals on various social and political issues. Her ability to engage with diverse groups and foster dialogue made her a natural leader within the organization. Maimouna’s role also was to manage Finance and activities for the different thematic areas of the organization such as Climate change, Environnement, Feminism etc…
Maimouna Ndao's passion for social justice and transformation extends beyond her professional life. She is an active member of various grassroots organizations and community initiatives such asthe Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) and LEAD Sénégal that work toward creating a more just and equitable society. Maimouna firmly believes that lasting change requires the collective effort of individuals from all walks of life.
“ I am convinced that the World needs the commitment, experience, knowledge and skills of its young people, especially women, to improve of people's living conditions” Maimouna Ndao
In August 2022, with a background in finance and project Management, and also a deep passion for making a difference, she joined the Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team, an international team dedicated to humanitarian action and community development through open mapping, where she has taken on a crucial role in Finance management of projects.
- Women Centered Disaster Resilience in Saloum Islands (Sénégal)

Manuel Ndebele is a diligent GIS Analyst with nearly eight years of experience and a strong academic background. He holds a second upper-class degree in Geographical Information Science and Earth Observation from the University of Zimbabwe, as well as a second upper-class degree in Monitoring and Evaluation from Lupane State University. Recently, he completed a postgraduate degree in Remote Sensing and GIS with the UN-Africa Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education.
Manuel's expertise lies in GIS database development, spatial data capture, visualization, analysis, and storage. His geodatabase design and management skills are exemplary, ensuring efficient organization of data. He specializes in GIScience for infrastructure and asset management, with proficiency in GIS algorithms, modeling, and remote sensing techniques, including hyperspectral remote sensing for earth observation.
As a proactive GIS specialist, Manuel continuously seeks to add value and improve processes. He has successfully contributed to a broad range of GIS projects, including consulting, planning, modeling, analysis, testing, and implementation of GIS solutions. His areas of expertise encompass near real-time data collection for environmental governance and policy, spatial statistics and analysis for social and environmental impact assessment, and systems development for GIS algorithms and modeling in geoscience infrastructure management.
Currently, Manuel is a GIS programmer at the Zimbabwe National Geospatial and Space Agency, where he utilizes his comprehensive knowledge and skills to develop innovative solutions and programming algorithms. His dedication to leveraging GIS technology for improved decision-making and sustainable development contributes significantly to the agency's geospatial initiatives.
With a diverse educational background and a wealth of experience, Manuel is a valuable asset in the field of GIS. His qualifications, skills, and passion make him an ideal candidate for organizations seeking expertise in geospatial data analysis, management, remote sensing, and programming.
- Bridging the Gap: Revolutionizing GIS Data Access in Africa with OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, OpenLayers, and GeoServer

I am Marcel Reinmuth, a research associate at the Heidelberg Institute of Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT). My educational background is in geography, with a specialization in geoinformatics. At HeiGIT, my primary role involves conducting research and developing products focused on leveraging openstreetmap data for applications in the humanitarian sector.
My work centers around addressing mobility challenges, with a specific emphasis on healthcare accessibility. Through in-depth analyses and data-driven approaches, I strive to contribute to the development of practical solutions that enhance accessibility for vulnerable populations. My goal is to make a positive impact by utilizing geoinformatics to improve lives and create sustainable solutions for pressing societal issues.
- History based quality measures of OpenStreetMap now in the ohsome dashboard
- Traffic-Aware Isochrone methods: Accessibility Analysis incorporating Traffic Speed Data for Nairobi, Kenya

Je m'appelle Marianna MUKULUNGA, jai 26 ans, je suis congolaise et cé suis contributrice OSMRDC depuis 2020. Au début c'était comme une rencontres simple mais au ful de temps j'ai considéré ma casquette comme profession.
En 2020 Monsieur Jackson me parle de OSMRDC et là sans insité j'intègre la communauté OSMRDC et je commence à contribuer les avenues avec STREETCOMPLET...
Après cela il installe OSMAND dans mon téléphone et je commence à intégrer les points d'intérêt...après il me prend avec lui dans la zone de santé de Kalunguta pour la cartographie sanitaire.
En 2021 je participe à la cartographie de la zone de santé de Beni et l'import de bâtiments et la digitalisation des routes dans la province du Nord kivu mais aussi l'intégration de limite sanitaire dans la province de KWILU, LUALABA, HAUT KATANGA, HAUT LOMAMI...
De 2022 à nos jours, je participe à la digitalisation des rivières dans les HAUT KATANGA et le LUALABA; le début de la cartographie de quartier administratif à ville de participe aux mapathons organisées chaque mois dans différents pays de l'Afrique, j'ai participé à la campagne Map Her Wolrd avec Everydoor...
- L'implication de la femme dans la cartographie communautaire
Marie recently joins HOT (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) as Senior Associate in Disaster Services and Training. She is a Ph.D. candidate and researcher in Geomatics at the ministry of scientific research and innovation in Cameroon; her work focuses on using computer science in geographic information science for environmental management.
She is the founder of Geospatial Girls and Kids whose mission is to promote the field of geospatial through kids and girls in Africa. Marie is a founding member of the OSM Cameroon community. Previously, she worked as a GIS consultant for UNECA and WRI. She is passionate about climate change, disaster management, spatial analysis, and geo-artificial intelligence. Through the use of remote sensing and GIS, she is able to integrate practical skills and knowledge to solve environmental problems. As an advocate for sustainable development, she dreams of inspiring communities in geospatial science and technology for capacity building and development in developing countries.
- Women Centered Disaster Resilience in Saloum Islands (Sénégal)
- Women Centered Disaster Resilience in Saloum Islands (Sénégal)

Mathew Lubari is a Co-Founder & Executive Director of Community Creativity for Development(CC4D), He is a South Sudanese self-driven and thought repairer and activist, maker, mentor and advocate for Open Technology, Inclusion and Diversity. At the age of 12, I watched my Dad(Alison) repair his radios and wristwatch (Unfortunately, my Dad could not repair most his faulty/broken items due to lack of knowledge and skills) and got inspired and pursued a career in ICT to help teach people how to repair, care and maintain their electronic items. He lives as a Refugee in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement in Uganda.
- Use of Open street map data in Refugee context
YouthMappers Regional Ambassador based in Kenya, Intern at the EarthScope Consortium, and a graduate in BSc. Geomatic Engineering and Geospatial Information Systems, class of 2023 of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
YouTube Content creator in my free time.
YouTube Channel: Oyugi K.
YouTube Link:
- Mapping Africa, One Country at a Time

I am Micheal Kaluba, an experienced contributor to OSM and currently working as Field Mapping And GIS Training Associate at OSM Uganda.
I have been contributing to OSM since 2016 and I am a GIS and Opensource Enthusiast. I am excited about my second Sotm Africa to attend the first having been in Ivory Coast in 2019 and looking forward to this one.
- The Role of OpenStreetMap in Harnessing SDG4: OpenStreetMap in School

Mohamet Lamine Ndiaye est un professionnel sénégalais de l'informatique et de la cartographie numérique. Né en novembre 1984 à Thiès, au Sénégal, il a obtenu une formation en informatique et en cartographie numérique.
En tant qu'expert en cartographie numérique, M. Ndiaye a été activement impliqué dans la communauté OpenStreetMap depuis 2012. Il a participé à des pratiques individuelles régulières et a organisé, préparé et participé à des activités de cartographie de la communauté OSM sénégalaise.
M. Ndiaye possède des compétences avancées en cartographie numérique, notamment en systèmes d'informations géographiques tels que ARCGIS et QGIS. Il maîtrise également les outils nécessaires au projet OpenStreetMap, notamment la collecte de données sur le terrain avec des outils tels que GPS Garmin, Walking-papers, Field-papers, OSM Tracker, OsmAND (Android), Mapillary, GoMap (IOS), terminaux mobiles (ordi phones et tablettes), ODK et KoboToolBox. Il est également compétent dans l'édition de la base de données OSM avec JOSM (Edition de données en off-line) et ID (Edition de données en ligne).
M. Ndiaye est également compétent dans la planification du travail collaboratif à distance, notamment en tant que chef de projet et gestionnaire de tâches de HOT. Il est également capable de réutiliser les données OSM, notamment par la gestion de téléchargement de HOT (Export Tool), le service overpass turbo, le service uMap et les services Maposmatics. Enfin, il est compétent dans l'infrastructure de données spatiales Géorchestra.
- La gouvernance dans les communautés ouvertes
- Sunu Wer Gye Yaram: Un projet de cartographie des offres de soin au Sénégal

Je suis contributeur actif dans OpnStreetMap RDC de puis 2020, je suis leader du groupe locale des contributeurs dans la partie Est de la RDC, je suis actif dans le community Working Groupe de HOT, je suis également membre votant OSM depuis. Je suis cartographe de formation depuis 2015 et j'ai déjà organiser plusieurs formations sur la collecte de donnée, nettoyage et contrôle qualité de donnée et la réulisation des données OpenStreeMap, j'ai également fait beaucoup d'édition dans le wiki OpenstreetMap. J'ai été plusieurs fois speaker dans les Webinar organiser par le HOT CWG,
- Outils open sources est l'avenir: Développement communautaire

Nathalie SIDIBE est passionnée de la cartographie numérique et du Système d’information géographique et très engagée dans la promotion des des OpenData et des Données Ouvertes Géospatiales. Elle est également cheffe d'entreprise, CEO de
DataTic Consulting SARL, une entreprise spécialisée dans la collecte, analyse et gestion de bases de données, production des cartes web et physiques, la formation sur les outils et logiciels de cartographie numérique et Système d’Information Géographique.
Membre du Réseau International de la Cartographie Numérique Collaborative dénommée OpenStreetMap, elle cofonde la Communauté au niveau du Mali en décembre 2014 et est actuellement la présidente de l’Association OPenStreetMap au Mali.
Avec l’Association OpenStreetMap, elle a développé des partenariats avec les Universités et mis en place dès 2016 un programme de formation spéciale dénommé CartoCamps pour l’initiation des étudiants sur l’utilisation des Outils et Logiciels OpenSource d’OpenStreetMap et les SIG.Plusieurs facultés dont celles de l’Université de Ségou, la Faculté d’Histoire-Géo, la Faculté des Sciences Techniques, l'Ecole Normale d'Ingénieurs en sont bénéficiaires.
Elle est le point Focal de la Communauté d’Afrique Francophone des Données Ouvertes au Mali et également une ancienne membre du Conseil d’Administration de Humanitarian OpenStretMap Team HOT.
- Cartographie Communautaire A Bamako
Ndapile Mkuwu is a Drone and Data Instructor with over 3 years experience in teaching youth across Africa 21st century skills through online and in person drones and data technology trainings. She has a strong background in Earth Sciences that she acquired from the University of Malawi in 2019 and has since developed a strong interest in advocating for the power of technology in driving positive change.
- From Above the Storm: Harnessing UAVs for Emergency Response During Cyclone Freddy in Malawi

My name is Nelson Alex I'm a GIS Analyst, a 2023 YouthMappers Leadership Fellow and an Environmental Planner . With a passion for geospatial analysis, I utilize my expertise to analyze and interpret spatial data for various projects. As the General Secretary of IRDP YouthMappers, I play a crucial role in coordinating and managing initiatives that promote the use of geospatial technologies for sustainable development. My dedication to the field of GIS and my commitment to youth leadership exemplify my drive to make a positive impact through geospatial analysis and advocacy.
- Distance Analysis using QGIS

Name: Ojok Benjamin
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 01/07/1995
Email address:
Telephone: +256778104779/+256756763634
Nationality: Ugandan
Benjamin is the Community Associate at Amara Hub and is a highly motivated well organized young man, a team player with a natural ability to adapt to new or challenging environments.
He loves tech and skills stands to be a great tech-entrepreneur and encouraged so many youths to embrace technology in the everyday life of work and living while creating positive impacts in their communities as they address pressing challenges.
- Mapping Contraceptive Access in the Newly Formed Cities in Northern Uganda

Oluwafemi Adeyemo is an accomplished and driven student with a passion for geospatial technologies. With a commitment to academic excellence and a strong desire for personal growth, he has established himself as a standout individual within the student community.
Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Technology degree at Federal University of Technology Akure, Oluwafemi has consistently demonstrated an impressive work ethic and a thirst for knowledge. His insatiable curiosity and eagerness to learn have led him to actively seek out opportunities for intellectual growth both inside and outside the classroom.
Complementing his academic achievements, Oluwafemi actively engages in extracurricular activities that demonstrate his diverse skill set and leadership qualities. He has played an integral role in YouthmappersFUTA where he is currently serving as President of the community.
As a driven and enthusiastic student, Oluwafemi exemplifies the qualities of a motivated individual who strives for excellence in both academic and personal endeavors. His strong work ethic, leadership skills, and commitment to continuous growth make him an exceptional asset to any academic or professional setting.
- Navigating Physical Mapping Challenges: Empowering sustainable geospatial solutions.

Patrick is a seasoned professional in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing with experience in International Humanitarian and Research setting. He pursued his undergraduate education at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Notably, Patrick served as a Geospatial Data Officer at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
Between 2019 and 2020, he underwent Pre-MSc training with the Malawi-Liverpool Wellcome Programme. In 2021, Patrick was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue a Master of Science in Geographical Information Sciences in the United States of America. His outstanding performance led to a Summa Cum Laude (distinction) graduation, and he earned various accolades, including the Copernicus Masters Challenge. In 2022, Patrick secured a PhD sponsorship from the UK National Environmental Research Council Global Challenge Fund, courtesy of the SPACES Project. Outside his professional accomplishments, Patrick dedicates his free time to volunteering with the OpenStreetMap Malawi community, where he also serves in a leadership role.
- Mapping Catchment Areas for Health Facilities in Blantyre City
A Geospatialist from Malawi, Recent Graduate.
Studied Geographic Information and Earth Observation Sciences from the Malawi University of Science and Technology
Team lead for Dambo Geospatialists, a group of young proffessionals in the Geospatial sector.
Research interests in GIS in Economics and Banking, GIS in Urban studies, GIS in Natural resources, GIS in Precision Agriculture, Geospatial Machine Learning and GIS in Socio Economic development.
YouthMapper interested in Community Mapping (Participatory Mapping).
- Use of Open Mapping Tools for Local Community Investment Monitoring

Rebecca Jeannette Nyinawumuntu is a passionate environment and biodiversity advocate with a strong commitment to creating positive change in her community. As the founder and leader of OpenStreetMap (OSM) community in Rwanda, Rebecca is responsible for overseeing community outreach programs and partnerships aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. She is also Co-Founder and actively involved in the Wikimedia community User group in Rwanda, where she plays a key role in fostering community engagement and partnerships.
Rebecca is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management at UR, where she continues to gain knowledge and expertise in her field. With her extensive background in community conservation, outreach, partnership building, Rebecca is well-positioned to make a significant impact in her future endeavours. Through her work, she strives to promote resilience and sustainability in challenging times, and to inspire others to join her in creating a more vibrant, healthy, and sustainable planet.
- "Building Community and Partnerships, and Promoting Resilience in Challenging Times: The OpenStreetMap Rwanda Experience"

I have a strong passion for supporting teams, fostering connections, and facilitating growth. I thoroughly enjoy being involved in networking activities and creating a collaborative environment where individuals can learn from one another and enhance their skills.
My enthusiasm lies in providing assistance to teams, ensuring their success by offering guidance, resources, and encouragement. I derive great satisfaction from witnessing the positive impact that effective teamwork can have on achieving goals and driving innovation.
In addition, I have a genuine love for networking, as it allows me to establish meaningful connections with professionals from various backgrounds and industries. I actively seek out opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals, sharing ideas, insights, and experiences to broaden my knowledge and expand my professional network.
Moreover, I take pleasure in training and mentoring others. I believe in the power of continuous learning and growth, both for myself and those around me. By providing comprehensive training programs and personalized guidance, I strive to empower individuals to reach their full potential and excel in their respective roles.
- Data Quality Internship

Romeo is a South Sudanese, Wikimedian, Open Street Mapper, and a highly skilled professional podcaster and audio storyteller. With a deep commitment to open-source tools and open knowledge, he leverages his expertise in GIS tools like QGIS to address community challenges through mapping. As a Team Leader of the OSM South Sudan team and a member of the Wikimedia community User Group South Sudan, Romeo's leadership has been transformative. His advocacy for open technology and open information has empowered communities and facilitated sustainable development. Romeo's exceptional storytelling abilities as a podcaster shed light on the experiences of refugees, fostering empathy and understanding. Additionally, his contributions to Wikimedia projects have expanded open knowledge, creating a diverse knowledge base for individuals to access and contribute to. Through his journey as a refugee and his dedication to openness and collaboration, Romeo serves as an inspiration, exemplifying the transformative power of open-source tools and knowledge in addressing social challenges and fostering community development.
- "Mapping for Resilience: Addressing Challenges in South Sudan through Open Mapping"

Menare Royal Mabakeng is a lecturer of Land Administration in the Department of Land and Spatial Sciences at the Namibia University of Science and Technology and a PhD student in Integrated Water Resources Management. Her work focuses on open land data for tenure security, water tenure and participatory informal settlement upgrading.
- OpenStreetMap can revolutionise community mapping of the Shack Dwellers Federation: Namibian Case Study
- A Journey to 2 Billion Open Street-Level Imagery with Mapillary
- How to Map with Rapid

Géographe de formation, je suis un passionné de la contribution sur OSM decouverte depuis 2013.
Actuellement, je prends beacoup de plaisir à utiliser les données openstreetmap sur wikimedia et ses projets. Ainsi, sans m'en rendre compte, j'arrive à passer des heures à contribuer sur ces plateformes collaboratives libres et accesibles à tout le monde. Je prends tellement de plaisir à éditer, créer et/ou améliorer des cartes, des pages Wiki, que j'ai fini par y developper à un moment donné le TOC... :)
- Comment tirer le meilleur parti du projet OpenStreetMap au sein du mouvement Wikimedia?
- OpenStreetMap en Afrique de l'Ouest : 10 ans de cartographie participative et d'impact local
- Women Centered Disaster Resilience in Saloum Islands (Sénégal)

Am Sia Moadeh KAMANDA, a graduate of Fourah Bay College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology and currently pursuing a master’s degree in Geography from the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology Sierra Leone.
I consider myself a women’s advocate as I believe that women can achieve so much with access to the right tools and environment.
- OpenStreetMap Education- Teachers in Schools

Willy Franck SOB is the CEO of SOGEFI, a company specialized in geospatial and land management. He is passionate about the implementation of open source location intelligence platforms in developing countries. He is an active member in the OpenStreetMap Community with which he created GeOsm, a key infrastructure of developing countries digital transformation. His expertise is recognised by several international institutions(The World Bank, GIZ, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, AFD, etc.),
- Official launch of the OpenStreetMap Africa association.
- GeOsm platform to engage OSM communities in Africa and beyond
Since her career began, Sophie's work has continued to revolve around impact for social good - she has worked in international development for 8 years and community development for 12 years. Sophie is particularly interested in the intersection between people and technology, and uses her skills in human-centered design and design thinking to ensure programs are designed specifically for sustained impact to influence positive change at a community level. Presently, Sophie is the Senior Manager for Strategic Engagement & Growth at the Eastern & Southern Africa Open Mapping Hub. Her role is to build and strengthen regional partnerships, mobilise contributions to OpenStreetMap through strengthening our vibrant and dedicated network of volunteers, and develop innovative approaches to regional granting methods.
Sophie joined the HOT team in April 2020 but has been contributing to the HOTs mission as a volunteer since 2017. Sophie’s background is in community development and Inclusive Innovation. Her previous experience includes establishing a Maker Space at the Bahir Dar Institute of Technology in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, and co-founding the First Steps Project, a UK-based non-for-profit that ran workshops and training programs for young people living in areas of deprivation.
- Open Mapping Grants - Insights and Learnings from Eastern and Southern Africa
- State of the Map 2023 Sports
- State of the Map Africa 2023 Closing Session
- State of the Map Africa Opening Session
- State of the Map Africa 2023 Gala Dinner
- Governance in open communities
A public speaker who is passionate about creativity, identifying, analyzing and devising new and effective methods of solving problems in her community.
A university scholar at Mzumbe University of Morogoro Campus.
A member of Tanzanite Toastmasters Club in Arusha.
A member of Africa Youth Leadership Forum.
A member of Aiesec In Tanzania.
- OSM education in schools
Regional Community manager chez HOT, M. TINTO soutien le développement des communautés OSM afin de leurs permettre d’améliorer la qualité de la carte et l'utilisation des données dans leurs pays pour les objectifs de développement. Avant de rejoindre HOT, M. TINTO a mis en œuvre le programme Open Data du Burkina Faso, et co-fondé une association qui fait la promotion de la bonne gestion des données.
- Soutien au developpement des communautes en Afrique de l'ouest, du centre et du nord
Cyrille is currently the GIS specialist supporting MSF operations in far north Cameroon. Passionate about GIS for practical purposes, he contributed to the database of the Ministry of Agriculture with geographic data on pastures, agricultural tracks and extension areas in the littoral region . With GeoSolution, a start up constituted of GIS and environment experts, he supported the training of youth in GIS softwares.
- Community mapping to anticipate and optimize humanitarian operations: the case of MSF in Mayo-Sava

Ronald is serving as a program and finance manager at OpenStreetMap Uganda.
His responsibilities as a member of the executive management team at OSM Uganda include initiating and influencing organizational strategy, developing and promoting organizational sustainability programs, developing and maintaining partnerships, fundraising, and financial resources' management, advocating for GIS and open-source tools, writing technical proposals, planning projects, implementing projects, monitoring, evaluating, and learning.
- OSM Data Improving Government Data Based Planning and Resources Distribution

I am Twande Anne Sikwese, a Malawian student studying Earth Science (geology) at Malawi University of Science and Technology.
I am currently an executive member of the MUST youthmappers chapter and President of the Earth Science society.
Geosciences and Geoinformation sciences are a keen interest of mine and an area I'd like to grow and thrive in.

Victor N. Sunday is a Lecturer-(Geospatial Information Science) at Geography & Environmental Management , University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The National Coordinator & Founder of Unique Mappers Network (UMT) OSM Community NGO in Nigeria.. A Local Community leader for OpenStreetMap, GeoForAll & Participatory Citizen Science, in Nigeria. Chair of River State Chapter of Geoinformation Society of Nigeria. He is Member of Member-ISPRS WG IV/4, OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), Voting Member-Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)USA,and a HOT project Tasking Manager for Nigeria. He is also member of professional Societies Such as Nigerian Environmental Society, the Geoinformation Society of Nigeria and a Registered Environmental Manager (REM)USA. He is a GIS national expert Consultant to EU project in Nigeria.
- Unique Mappers Network: Progress and Challenges of Driving OpenStreetMap Project in Nigeria

Wallace Gara from Chinhoyi mappers (geospatial society) based in zimbabwe is a recent graduate from Chinhoyi university of technology studied environmental science and Geoinformatics
he is interested in environmental issues and also acknowledges the power of mapping,he was previoulsy the president of Geospatial society for two terms and has led on a number of numerous projects in the community.He is also passionate about participatory mapping,engaging the local community in the local projects
- creating a wayleave along electricity lines on Open street map data

I am an active OSM contributor, volunteer in the humanitarian space, and visionary person who embodies the principles of entrepreneurship and community development. Walter is a geo-enthusiast, an academic researcher, and a linguist professionally and has worked as a geospatial engineer and currently volunteering with communities and groups in education development and open data.
- Community Capacity Building in African Context

Hi, I'm Yohannes Yehualashet from Ethiopia. I am living in the Capital city; Addis Ababa. I'm an attentive and exacting OSM Ethiopia community member and Operation Director with years of experience Organizing projects in implementations, and creative, and amusing ideas for various events, workshops, and community engagements. I enjoy learning new subjects and creating workflow about them in a fun, easy-to-learn order. I've always enjoyed Mapping and Planning activities. I used to participate in Youthmappers local chapter at my University duration and help other universities with registrations as the new Youthmappers local chapter. Besides that, I have been awarded to YouthMappers Academy track badges for the accomplishment of the course. Eventually, I joined the OSM Ethiopia community and have been engaging myself in project strategies and implementation for a couple of years. In university, I studied Mechanical Engineering and management. During my free time, I chase travel, kinds of music, and spend time with books. These activities allow me to see the world from a different perspective.
- Crowd Mapping for Food Security in South Omo Valley, Ethiopia

Zack is a project coordinator at Map Kibera, whose main focus has been to oversee and coordinate several mapping projects in the informal settlements of Nairobi and other parts of Kenya on OSM since 2009. He is a strong champion of citizen involvement and engagement in mapping and generation of OSM data to advocate for better service provision through policy making and development plans within marginalized communities. On the side, he has been engaged in several forums on developing frameworks and guides for citizen-generated data and open data in Kenya.
- Mapping For Safer Roads
Zaina Rashidi Ally holds a diploma in Community Development from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, and she is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree at Open University Tanzania. She was first introduced to OpenStreetMap in 2017 as a student participating in the Ramani Huria initiatives under the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and the World Bank. Since then, she has actively involved herself in mapping, attending mapathons, training fellow students, and later volunteering at OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ). At OMDTZ, she participated in various projects with different tasks, including training communities in map reading and data collection using tools such as ODK. With her extensive experience, Zaina currently works with OMDTZ, utilizing AI for digitizing the road network in Tanzania. So far, she has successfully mapped over 8,000 kilometers of roads in more than 15 regions, making a significant contribution to the improvement of the road network. Overall, Zaina Rashidi Ally is highly motivated and has a proven track record of excellence in community services and mapping initiatives.
- The role of Al-Assisted Mapping and Local Validation in field Mapping: Learning from OMDTZ