Dina Carabas

Founder at PlantingSpace where we work on new technologies and tools that aim at improving human interaction, discovery and creation. Believer in the potential of open-source software development and open data to bring about more inclusiveness and collaboration.
Before starting PlantingSpace I was part of two startups in the decentralized technologies space and shaped their growth as Chief Operating Officer. Previously, I served technology companies as a consultant with McKinsey & Company.


Creating an open data ecosystem for reviews of places and more
Dina Carabas

We built open-source infrastructure that allows the community to integrate open data reviews of POI into the OpenStreetMap ecosystem. This enables any application or website to make use of a reviews layer, and to benefit from the shared data pool that is created by a combined user base of participating applications. We built it to ensure that people all over the world can freely share their insights about things that matter to them without being confined to proprietary data silos.

Software Development
Track 2