State of the Map 2021 - Academic Track

Jennings Anderson

Jennings Anderson is a GeoInformation Scientist specializing in OpenStreetMap. He received his PhD in computer science from the University of Colorado Boulder where he developed contributor-centric research approaches to OpenStreetMap data analysis. He collaborates closely with both academic and industry researchers to understand the evolution of OpenStreetMap as a database and a community of mappers.


Community Interactions in OSM editing
Jennings Anderson, Dipto Sarkar

We look at interactions between Corporate and Non-Corporate Editors as reflected through co-editing patterns in the OSM data. We use Social Network Analysis on 12 networks generated from four different locations and 3 different timepoints and our results show the vibrant co-production of OSM data generation. There are interactions between all editors but Corporate Editors tend to interact at a higher rate with each other. The seniority of editors and the interactions also differ between Corporate and Non-Corporate Editors.

Track 1 - Talks
Introducing OpenStreetMap User Embeddings: Promising Steps Toward Automated Vandalism and Community Detection
Jennings Anderson, Yinxiao Li

We develop and test user embeddings approaches to vandalism detection in OSM. We successfully demonstrate improvements to previous vandalism detection methods, and additionally how the user embeddings can further be applied to detect different communities of mappers. We validated the embedding model with a prepared vandalism corpus that we are also releasing to the OSM community.

Track 2 - Panels and Workshops