Silvia Elena Ventorini
I am PhD in Geography, professor and researcher at the Departmento de Geociências at the Federal Universidade Federal de São João del - Rei -Minas Gerais, Brazil. I am coordinator of the Youthmapper Chapter in Brazil:Unificar Ações e Informações Geograficas (UAIGeo). I have developed collaborative mapping projects in Amazonas and Minas Gerais using OSM and other free data palatators.
The Amazon Forest, its traditional peoples, and riverside communities represent an immense challenge for official cartography, due to scale and extension factors. This presentation aims to show the experiences of the Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais (UAIGeo) chapter of the Brazilian YouthMappers in mapping riverside communities in the Amazon rainforest region, focusing on the city of Tefé and its islands. Due to its female leadership role and the goals of empowering young women in geospatial and technical skills, the presentation emphasizes the importance of engaging and encouraging female students to link mapping and female empowerment.