Amanda McCann

I’m Amanda McCann. I’m a mapper and programmer originally for Ireland, but now based in Germany. I work at Geofabrik. (pronouns: english: she or they, deutsch: „sie“)

I’ve been on the OpenStreetMap Foundation Board of Directors since Dec 2019/ I’m currently the OSMF Secretary. I write up what I do in OSM on my OSM Diary.

I’m on the Communication WG, and I have lots of OSM stickers which we’ll send you for free. I started & admin the En.OSM.Town Mastodon/Fediverse server for the OSM community

OpenStreetMap username

᚛ᚐᚋᚐᚅᚇᚐ᚜ 🏳️‍🌈


Amanda McCann

OpenStreetMap Foundation Board Ask Us Anything (i.e. AMA). We will take questions from the audience, or other questions that people can submit before the event, and we will talk about and answer them. We can talk about the past actions of the board, and what future plans we have.

Community and Foundation
Auditorium A