Florian Lainez

Florian Lainez has been an OpenStreetMap contributor for over 13 years. He is one of the architects of the OpenStreetMap France association, of which he was vice-president. Florian has led many collaborative projects in OpenStreetMap, including "Ça reste Ouvert" (Staying open), the collaborative map of places open during the 2020 Covid lockdown.
Since 2019, he is manager of Jungle Bus, a company specialized in co-creating mobility data with the OpenStreetMap community.
In 2022, he founded the french OSM professionals federation "La fédération des pros d’OSM".

OpenStreetMap username



How to kill OSM? Above all, change nothing
Florian Lainez

OSM is almost 20 years old and we already achieved so much. What if the governance of the project as well as our relationship to time and money were the biggest obstacles to ensure a bright future?
Let’s discuss the priorities to unleash the full potential of our community.

Community and Foundation
Auditorium A