Ariel Kadouri

Software Engineer working at Woven Planet (previously CARMERA) on the Automated Mapping Platform team. OpenStreetMap contributor living in Brooklyn, New York.

Always looking for ways to improving conditions for pedestrians and cyclists through mapping, analysis, and tools. Interested in finding the quirky scenarios that bend the data model. Pronouns: He/Him.

OpenStreetMap username



Pedestrian and Bike Mapping in New York City
Ariel Kadouri

This talk will cover the growing New York City OpenStreetMap community and our efforts at coordinating mapping our cities’ quirks into the OSM data model. New York City (and much of America) has sidewalks that end abruptly, intersections without proper pedestrian control, uncontrolled slip lanes, bike paths that lead into stairways, crossings without curb cuts. Mapping these features helps NYC pedestrians analyze conditions, report and advocate for changes.

Auditorium A