Jochen Topf

Jochen Topf has been active in the OpenStreetMap community for many years as mapper and software developer. He is the maintainer of the Osmium framework, created the taginfo site, an active osm2pgsql developer and has his fingers in many other OSM related software. In his professional live he works as a software developer and consultant in the OSM and GIS world.

OpenStreetMap username

Jochen Topf


Evolving the OSM Data Model
Jochen Topf

The OSM data model with its nodes, ways, and relations has done an amazing job for us over the years. It has seen very little changes since relations were introduced 15 years ago. But there are some real problems with the data model. With the experience of those 15 years behind us, its time to tackle some improvements.

This talk will outline the problems with the data model, show ideas for improvements, and discuss possible ways that can move us forward step by step.

Data Analysis & Data Model
Auditorium A