Jana Bauerova

Jana Bauerová is the Missing Maps Community Engagement& Communication Coordinator for Médecins Sans Frontières. She has a Masters in International Affairs from the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland. She has worked with the United Nations Office in Geneva and for the International Committee of the Red Cross as a delegate and spokesperson in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. In her current role, in addition to communicating about the Missing Maps project both internally and externally, she is involved in organizing mapathons and engaging volunteers in mapping in many countries where MSF works.

OpenStreetMap username



The OpenStreetMap Use for Medical Humanitarian Operations by Médecins Sans Frontières
Jana Bauerova

Follow the OSM journey of the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) from a mapathon in Berlin in 2014 to creating and contributing geodata for numerous MSF operations through the Missing Maps project. This talk will be about how MSF uses OpenStreetMap internally and how we contribute through remote and field mapping. We will also share the lessons learned and reflect on the biggest challenges for MSF in creating and using the OSM data.

User Experiences
Auditorium A