State of OSM in QGIS
2022-08-20 , Auditorium A

QGIS is one of the most used Opensource GIS software with some native functionalities to work with OSM data. Either with raster layer as a basemap, or with vector, QGIS can deal with OSM data. Depending on the amount of data to work with, the need to "refresh" the data (from the main OSM database), the extent of the coverage, different plugins or technologies are possible.
This presentation will try to give an overview how it's possible to use OpenStreetMap data according to different situations (Geocoding, TMS/WMS, OverpassAPI, PostgreSQL…). The presentation will show how you can contribute to QuickOSM to add some default « mappreset » to QuickOSM on GitHub.

Talk keywords:

QGIS database quickosm raster vector

See also:

OSM contributor since 2008, I have contributed quite a few when I was traveling. I like contributing to opensource projects. I learned Python for my studies and my work, so I have decided to create the QuickOSM project, to combine both OSM and QGIS. If I’m not contributing on Github, you can see me outside hiking or recording tracks in the mountains.