MapBuilder - The simplest OSM editorial tool
08-20, 11:30–11:50 (Europe/Rome), Auditorium A

Every day millions of users experience delightful features on Bing Maps. Each user, regardless of their technical background, possesses a wealth of local knowledge that can help improve map data which for many country regions comes from OpenStreetMap. The common OSM editorial tools iD & JOSM are far too advanced for our users. Hence, we embarked on a mission to build a very simple tool - MapBuilder - that can guide users to volunteer their local knowledge to update map data via a set of guided screens. This talk will focus on the following:
- First features
- Building community engagement
- Identifying data gaps
- Potential risks and mitigations

See also: Presentation Slides (4.9 MB)

I am a mapper at heart and my first data acquisition projects started back in the 2008/2009 time frame. Based out of Serbia I have been an avid OSM mapper for many years. Currently, I work as Technical Program Manager in the Maps & Local team at Microsoft Bing Maps.