Admin Boundary Conflation Tool
08-19, 12:30–12:50 (Europe/Rome), Auditorium A

Boundary conflation is a sensitive and difficult problem to solve. When administrative boundary data is available from authoritative sources for OSM, it is imperative that we have the ability to analyze boundaries for import and deduce if conflation with OSM ways can be done hopefully in a semi-automatic fashion. "Admin Boundary Conflation" is a special-purpose tool made for the purpose and this talk will introduce the workings of the tool to the audience along with the various output statistics available during the process. Currently, the tool is utilized for reporting geometric area differences of 0.01% in the 99th percentile of 5000 municipalities in Serbia within 20 minutes.

See also: Presentation Slides (749.3 KB)

Born in 1983. and living in Belgrade, Serbia. Since first introduction with Slackware in 2001, fascinated by free and libre software. Main theme of contributions to OSM are around fixing and improving data in automated ways, but with human touch (5000+ changesets over 13 years). Big fan of normalized data with strict schema:) Since degoogling, OSM is indivisible part of my life. Principal Software Engineer based out of the Microsoft Development Center Serbia and have been working at Microsoft in different teams for 10 years now, but slowly gravitated towards Maps&Local team.