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Amour Nyalusi

I'm a passionate advocate for open mapping and open data, particularly in the context of humanitarian development and urban resilience. My expertise lies in leveraging OpenStreetMap (OSM) data and open-source tools like JOSM, QGIS, etc. to ensure high-quality data management.

Throughout my career, I've actively participated in numerous OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ) projects. I've played a key role in creating large datasets and establishing strong data quality management practices, including for nationwide initiatives. Additionally, I am experienced in data visualization, analysis, and promoting map literacy to support informed decision-making.

  • From Source to Map: Strategies for Integrating External Data into OpenStreetMap
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Anastazia Caroll

Anna Maholi is a dedicated professional working with OMDTZ as a Data Quality Officer and GIS Assistant. She is passionate about data, geospatial technology, and community-driven projects. Anna ensures data integrity and accuracy, contributing to reliable insights and data-driven solutions. In her GIS role, she manages geospatial datasets, conducts spatial analyses, and creates visually engaging maps. Outside of work, Anna actively participates in community projects, including mapping for environmental conservation, conducting geospatial data literacy workshops, and supporting youth development programs.

  • Women in OSM Tech - What worked best for me
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Andrew Hain

Andrew Hain is based in London, UK, and has been editing OSM for fifteen years with a variety of mapping interests especially including local area mapping on foot. Andrew is a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation’s Engineering Working Group, and is keen to build up OSM as the best possible map of the whole world.

  • OpenStreetMap and the GDPR
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Arnalie Vicario
  • OSMF Board AMA
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benedcto adam

Benedcto Adamu is a GIS person, making significant contributions to the mapping community, proficiency in data collection, analysis, and visualization. His comprehensive understanding of GIS software and tools, along with spatial analysis and remote sensing expertise, allows him to solve complex geospatial challenges and provide valuable insights for decision-making.Benedcto dedicated to open-source mapping and passion for using geospatial technology to address real-world problems have garnered respect in the field, benefiting institutions and organizations relying on precise and up-to-date spatial data. I'm working as Associate GIS & Data Manager at OMDTZ.

  • A Novel Approach to Street-Level Data Collection: Using Customized Bajaji (tricycle) and Mapillary to Enrich OpenStreetMap in Dar es Salaam
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Benjamin Herfort

Benjamin Herfort is researcher at HeiGIT and Heidelberg University. He has recently finished his PhD, for which he investigated questions of representation and data quality in OpenStreetMap from the perspectives of humanitarian and machine learning-assisted mapping in order to map what is not mapped. In his research and work he is furthermore dealing with the temporal evolution of OpenStreetMap data, MapSwipe and information from social media. He is developing open source tools and methods that incorporate geographic information systems for disaster management and humanitarian aid.

  • Easy Access to ohsome full history OSM contributions using cloud hosted GeoParquet
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Claire Halleux

Active OSM contributor in the DRC for more than a decade.
Originally born in Belgium and a mother of two.
Fond of the OSM project and of data quality issues in general.
Aiming to fill data gaps across the country.
Co-funder of OSM DRC local chapter of the OSMF.
Member of the DWG.

  • Improving data homogeneity across a country
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Craig Allan
  • OSMF Board AMA
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Daniela Waltersdorfer Jimenez

Daniela Waltersdorfer, also known as Dani is from Lima, Peru, and also spent part of her childhood in Bogota, Colombia, and in a suburb of Miami in the U.S. She now resides in Washington, D.C. , U.S. As a professional, she works in the Transportation Industry, where she helps many transportation agencies with their transit, logistics, supply-chain, and asset management needs in the form of digital geospatial solutions. She’s been a leader of Maptime Boston and Miami, where (along with her awesome co-leads) provided GIS and mapping education to the local communities and led mapathons.

  • OSMF Board AMA
  • OSMF Funding
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Daniele Santini

I come from northern Italy. By trade I am computer engineer and software developer. I am a long time open-source and open-data enthusiast and contributor. OpenStreetMapper since 2016, I regularly contribute to the OSM community, I am author of various OSM-based projects and maintain the OSM-Wikidata Map Framework

  • State of the art in combining OSM and Linked Data
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Dennis Raylin Chen

A Wikidata and OpenStreetMap contributor from Taiwan. Start contributing to Wikipedia on 2005, and start contributing to OpenStreetMap in 2010. He is one of the co-hosts of OpenStreetMap x Wikidata monthly meetup in Taipei. He is a regular attendee of Wikipedia Monthly Writing Camp in Taipei, assisting hosts to help solve other attendees' Wikipedia writing issues.

  • The Journal of Importing Open Data Address in Taiwan into OpenStreetMap
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Derick Yang

As a Senior Software Engineer at Strava in San Francisco, California, I work on the Geo and Metro teams, where I build tools for athletes, explorers, transportation advocates, city planners, and trail networks to better explore the world around them. I'm knowledgeable about Apache Spark, Scala, distributed systems, cache infrastructure, and cloud infrastructure. When I'm not thinking about maps, you can find me running, cycling, traveling, cooking, or eating.

  • Generating Ways with the Strava Heatmap
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Diego Gonzalez Ferreiro

Chief, Solutions and Support Unit and UN Maps Product Manager at the United Nations Global service Centre (UNGSC) based in Brindisi, Italy. He manages a team of developers and GIS professionals delivering geospatial services and products to users at United Nations Peacekeeping and Political missions. For the last ten years, he has worked as a GIS Officer in various UN missions, such as Somalia, Kenya and DR Congo. Previously, he worked in an environmental consulting firm in Madrid, Spain, where he studied. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and a Master’s degree in Geodesy and Cartography.

  • UN Maps - Supporting Peace with Open Data
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Enock Seth Nyamador

I am a volunteer OpenStreetmap contributor who advocates Communities of Practice and Free and Open Source Software. I am contributing OpenStreetMap mostly in Ghana where I try to add new features and also fix many problematic contributions from years and recent by both individual or organised remote mappers. I support Good changeset comments.

  • The worst and best of OpenStreetMap in Ghana (Africa)
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Erica Hagen

Erica is the co-founder and current trustee of Map Kibera Trust, a groundbreaking Kenyan NGO that uses maps, data and video to empower communities, and director of the consulting company GroundTruth Initiative. Erica helped develop the field of participatory open community mapping in urban informal settlements. She also worked with the World Bank and the American Geographical Society to research sustainable OSM communities and the ethical use of geospatial technologies. Following many years working primarily with OSM and mapping, Erica joined the USAID foreign service in 2022 and lives in the Dominican Republic.

  • Mapping Kenya: 15 Years of Map Kibera and beyond
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Erick Mnyali

Erick is a Tanzania UN youth fellow in 2023, He is Serving as a YouthMappers regional ambassador for the YouthMappers Program funded by USAID Geo-Center where he supports university-led chapters in the East African region striving to share his skills in open mapping to support data-based decisions and solving community climate-related challenges. He joined the OpenStreetMap community in 2019.
His dream is to see a network of team players among youth who are focused on finding solutions for their communities by giving out insights and educating their local community, especially marginalized groups through capacity development.

  • Incorporating OpenStreetMap into Academic Curricula: Insights from GeoTE Tanzania's Five-Week Field Training programs with YouthMappers and Academic Partners
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Frederik Ramm
  • On the Ground
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Guillaume Rischard
  • OSMF Board AMA
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Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

As of yet not confirmed who will present this work on behalf of HOT. Biography to follow for the presenter. The work in the abstract comes from HOT's Open Mapping Hubs in East & Southern Africa, West & Northern Africa and Asia Pacific region.

Proiposal is being submitted by Pete Pete Masters, HOT's Special Project Advisor and former Head of Community..

  • Preparing for disasters with open map data and tools - learning through anticipatory action in Zimbabwe, Liberia and Timor Leste
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Ilya Zverev

Ilya has been mapping OSM for a very long time. His attention span is very short, hence he also has written a lot of tools, including map editors, organized quite a few mapping parties in various countries, and wrote some wiki pages on surveying. He spend his free time either improving his Every Door app, or wandering in the city collecting hundreds of shops and amenities for the map.

  • Go Out And Map
  • Mapping the classroom with Every Door
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Jochen Topf

Jochen Topf has been active in the OpenStreetMap community for many years as mapper, software developer and community organizer. He is the maintainer of the Osmium framework, created the taginfo site, an active osm2pgsql developer and has his fingers in many other OSM-related software. In his professional live he works as a software developer and consultant in the OSM and GIS world. Since November 2023 he works part-time for the FOSSGIS e.V., the local chapter for Germany of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

  • On the Ground
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Johanes Petro Machela

Johanes Petro is a GIS and Technical Project Manager at Open Map Development Tanzania. He has vast field experience supervising data collection for urban resilience and OpenStreetMap Projects. Johanes holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Urban and Regional Planning and has extensive experience managing various projects within and outside Tanzania, including Geoglam/Crop Mapping, Mills Mapping, and School Mapping by United Nations World Food Program(WFP).

  • Exporting high-quality Atlas maps in bulk by leveraging OpenStreetMap Data in QGIS
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Jorieke Vyncke
  • Strengthening Collaboration between Organizations and Local Communities in West Africa Through the OSMer in Residence Program
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Joshua Ogure

Joshua Ogure, is the general manager for Map Kibera Trust, he is also the team leader for Kibera News Network, a citizen journalism program in Kibera Slum. Josh has a wide range of experience working in the informal settlements. As a project manager and a community journalist, he has led the team towards a successful project dubbed Open Schools Kenya. ( He strives to make the invisible visible using OpenStreetMap data and journalism for change and advocacy. In 2016, Josh won an Open Data award with Map Kibera under the Social Impact category.

  • Mapping Kenya: 15 Years of Map Kibera and beyond
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Julian Psotta

Julian Psotta is a geospatial professional from Germany with over 7 years of experience. He specialises in mobility software for humanitarian aid distribution and last mile delivery and is currently the Product Manager of the Smart Mobility team at HeiGIT. There he leads the company's efforts to support decision makers and field operations of various non-profit aid organisations in curating and accessing mobility tools for basic routing, accessibility analysis and complex delivery scenarios.

  • openrouteservice version 8 - Experiences and insights from 10+ years of running and providing a global OSM-driven, free and open-source routing engine
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Laura Mugeha

Laura is a Geospatial engineer and technical community manager working at the intersection of open data, free and open-source software, and sustainable development. She is currently a Community Coordinator at Code for Africa, where she manages the africanDRONE and sensors.AFRICA project and community activities.

In addition to this, Laura is an active volunteer and enjoys giving back to tech communities. She has been a YouthMappers regional ambassador for the past four years, supporting student-led university clubs in East and Central Africa. She also co-created OSM Kenya, advocating for the adoption of open data locally.

  • Get to know OSGeo and expand Your Open Mapping Toolkit
  • A Replicable Model for OpenStreetMap Training Programs in High Schools
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Luis Sebastian Bravo Chacon

Forest engineer, born on the Colombia-Ecuador border and a member of the indigenous reserve of Pastas Aldana. Part of the LGBTI community. Passionate youth activist for collaborative cartography, nature, and diversity. Thematic coordinator of the Ipiales node of the Youth for the Environment Network of Colombia for 2024. Project manager of YouthMappers chapter SAGEMA. Member of Humanitarian Mapping Brigade Hub LAC. Member of the political node of the Diverso volunteer group in Medellín. Researcher in geospatial technologies and urban planning.

  • Open mapping through tropical forest biodiversity conservation
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Markus Tremmel

I'm a Staff Software Engineer and Architect living in Germany. As a lecturer I also teach vector data processing at the faculty of computer science at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. My main work focus is on the development of high-performance geospatial applications as well as research in the field of cloud native geospatial and next generation vector file formats.

  • MapLibre Tiles: A Next Generation Vector Tiles Format specially designed for OSM data
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Martin Raifer

I maintain the iD editor for the OpenStreetMap Foundation. I do also have a part time position at HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology), where I contribute to software for academic research about OSM data. I'm responsible for overpass-turbo, the web interface for the Overpass API. See my user page on the OSM wiki for further OSM related projects I contribute to.

  • Setting the Stage for the Future of Web Based Mapping
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Mary Muthee
  • Community Capacity Building- Case Study OSM Kenya
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Mateusz Konieczny

Active OpenStreetMap mapper and contributor to software powering OpenStreetMap. Contributed some minor improvements to multiple editors and significant improvements to StreetComplete. Active in various places, including OpenStreetMap Foundation board.

Mapper active since 2013, especially interested in mapping bicycle infrastructure, hiking trails, parks. Mapping using Vespucci, StreetComplete, JOSM, level0, special editing tools and automated edits.

Involved in improving documentation about existing tagging schemas by contributing to OpenStreetMap Wiki. Active also in inventing new tagging schema where existing ones were insufficient.

  • OSMF Board AMA
  • OSMF board – what are they even doing?
  • Do we need 11 000 shop=* values?
  • OSM Wiki editing workshop
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Michael Auer
  • Easy Access to ohsome full history OSM contributions using cloud hosted GeoParquet
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Michael Montani

Michael Montani is a GIS Consultant at the United Nations Global Service Centre, where he coordinates the UN Mappers community, and is a member of the OSMF LCCWG.
Over the years, he trained several hundreds people, from academia to UN and national agencies, on OSM and open-source software, in Africa, Europe and Asia, including areas of conflict.
Previously, he founded the first European chapter of YouthMappers in 2016 and was awarded the 2018 YouthMappers Research Fellowship to fight an endemic disease in Senegal using OSM data.

  • Hands-on data validation on OSM: best practices and tools
  • Hands-on data validation on OSM: best practices and tools
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OSMF board

See for biographical details of board members:

  • Arnalie Vicario
  • Craig Allan
  • Daniela (Dani) Waltersdorfer Jimenez
  • Guillaume Rischard
  • Mateusz Konieczny
  • Roland Olbricht
  • Sarah Hoffmann

Due to limits on text size, it was impossible to fit detailed info here. Please see OSMF wiki linked above to see more!

  • OSMF Board AMA
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Paul Pickell

I am an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia and a Faculty in Residence at the Emerging Media Lab. I primarily teach GIS and remote sensing across multiple professional graduate programs and emphasize the use of FOSS tools whenever possible. My research looks at the use of immersive virtual reality and augmented reality in teaching spatial reasoning. Various projects I have worked on include the construction of an augmented reality sandbox, publishing an interactive geomatics textbook, and the development of Minetest Classroom for teaching in a voxel-based sandbox video game.

  • Build an OpenStreetMap walking tour with a free and open source video game
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Pragya Pant

I am Pragya Pant a Geomatics Engineer from Nepal, currently working as a Teaching Assistant at Kathmandu University. I am an advanced OpenStreetMap (OSM) mapper who started as a beginner mapper in 2020. My experience in mapping remotely and on the field has guided me to shape my identity as a mapper. I find joy in contributing to OSM and inspiring women around me. I am privileged to be part of the She Leads She Inspires program, HOT Data Quality Internship, OSM Guru, and now SotM 2024 travel grantee, and I am excited about the upcoming opportunities.

  • The OSM Spectrum
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Rabina Poudyal

I am Rabina Poudyal, a fresh graduate with a Bachelor's in geomatics engineering from Nepal's Kathmandu University. I have been titled the Open Mapping Guru from Nepal since I led OpenStreetMap (OSM) mapping. I am also a passionate user of geospatial technologies, open data, and open mapping. My positions as a Champion at Open Mapping Hub-Asia Pacific's She Leads She Inspires project and an Executive Committee member of the Geomatics Engineering Society demonstrate my leadership abilities. I am strongly committed to the geospatial field and aim to increase my impact.

  • The OSM Spectrum
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Rafael Troilo
  • Easy Access to ohsome full history OSM contributions using cloud hosted GeoParquet
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Roland Olbricht
  • OSMF Board AMA
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Sajjad Anwar

Sajjad is a engineering and strategy leader at Development Seed. He builds tools to improve how Development Seed and our partners work with geographic data. He contributes to our strategy for working with teams like HOT and with OpenStreetMap. Sajjad cares deeply about the impact open tools and data have on governance and development.

Previously Sajjad helped build Mapbox’s data team and led products for mapping and validation. Sajjad has experience building platforms for natural resources monitoring and data infrastructure for large scale accountability initiatives.

  • Cloud-native OSM for Visualization & Analysis
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Sarah Hoffmann

Sarah is a long term contributor to OSM. She started mapping in 2008 before increasingly getting involved with the programming side of OSM. She is now maintainer for waymarkedtrails, pyosmium, osm2pgsql and Nominatim. She's also been a board member of the OSMF since December 2022. She makes a living as a free-lance software developer.

  • OSMF Board AMA
  • Meet the OSMF Working Groups
  • Some Assembly Required
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Séverin Ménard

An OSM contributor (SeverinGeo) since January 2010, Séverin has been implementing programs to create and support OSM communities in the South, training in OSM and free geomatics, and mapping territories in over 20 countries since 2011, first with HOT and then through the collective that has become Les Libres Géographes, of which he is one of the founders. He has been a member of the UN Mappers Crowdsourcing team since March 2021, in particular in charge of educational activities and content creation for the UN Maps Learning Hub. Volunteering for WeeklyOSM and the OSMF blog.

  • Hands-on data validation on OSM: best practices and tools
  • Download OSM data translated into your language using free software components and standard protocols
  • Hands-on data validation on OSM: best practices and tools
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SotM Working Group
  • Lightning Talks III
  • Lightning Talks IV
  • Closing Session
  • Pre-recorded Lightning Talks
  • Lightning Talks II
  • Opening Session
  • Lightning Talks I
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Stefan Keller

Stefan Keller is Full Professor and Director of the Geometa Lab at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST), Switzerland, Campus Rapperswil. He teaches data engineering, database systems and data analytics as well as GISTech. He is involved in open source and open data projects. He is a member of the Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group and the Swiss OpenStreetMap Association, among others.

  • Catching OSM Up with External Data with a Workflow and Tools for Conflation and Validation
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Taichi Furuhashi
  • The Current State of Collaboration between Digital Twin and OSM
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Taro Matsuzawa

I am the GIS developer of Georepublic, and I was the leader of Mozilla Community in Japan.
Also I am director of both OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan and OSGeo.JP(OSGeo's Japan Chapter).
I am a contributor of Charites to write style of MapLibre GL.
Also I am several OSS application's contributor expect GIS.

  • Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan
  • Director of OSGeo.JP
  • Sub president of Japan Unix Society
  • Developer of UN SmartMaps
  • GIS Developer of Georepublic
  • How to develop your own style of OpenMapTiles with your favorite editor?
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Taylor Reich

Taylor (they/them pronouns) leads ITDP’s global work leveraging digital data to achieve the organization’s mission of sustainable and inclusive transport. Their work strategically connects data analysis to policy and city planning. Taylor is responsible for managing projects to develop and measure strategic indicators of urban transportation, to model the global urban transport sector, and to track ITDP’s impacts through the Monitoring and Evaluations program. They are also on the Board of Directors of MobilityData, the international standards organization for public transport data.

  • Sustainable Transport on the Map
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Walter Mayeku

He is a GIS analyst, urbanist, researcher, and open-data enthusiast who has dedicated his life to making the world a better place through empowering the communities around him. He is an avid believer in advocating for the use of open data for building resilient and sustainable communities. He is an active volunteer with several initiatives within the Humanitarian space, languages-linguistics, and social works.

  • Community Capacity Building- Case Study OSM Kenya
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Wille Marcel

Wille Marcel is a Map Data Engineer at Development Seed. He focuses on building tools to collect, manage, distribute, and analyze map data. He has extensive experience in the geospatial industry, from mapping and data analysis to building APIs and web applications, and is also the creator of OSMCha, one of the main OpenStreetMap validation tools.

  • Cloud-native OSM for Visualization & Analysis
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Wilson Munyaradzi

Joined the OMH-ESA as Disaster Services Manager on the 15th of November 2021. Currently based in Zimbabwe and previously worked with WorldWildlife Fund, ICRC and MAG international.
Worked on several conservation projects in Southern Africa for eight years with WorldWildlife Fund (WWF). Have eight years’ experience within the humanitarian sector with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) working as a GIS officer\Field Officer within Southern Africa Region. Provided mapping support to the Red Cross family.
Prior to joining HOT, I worked as the Information Manager for MAG international.
“What Gets Measured Gets Improved”

  • Preparing for disasters with open map data and tools - learning through anticipatory action in Zimbabwe, Liberia and Timor Leste
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Yves holds a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences. Since 2019 he has been a member of OpenStreetMap where he contributes to community engagement through training on mapping on OSM, translating content to limit language barriers, organizing webinars and participating in programs such as the Community Working Group Mentorship Programm which he coordinates for this cohort.

  • Strengthening Collaboration between Organizations and Local Communities in West Africa Through the OSMer in Residence Program
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Yvonne Darko

Pharmacist by profession; OpenStreetMap Editor by passion.
Though I am a Pharmacist, my interests began from Open Source Software and Initiatives to my current passion of not just contributing to OpenStreetMap but making meaningful contributions that make OSM a solution to very real life scenarios. My current project aims to use OSM to solve the age old problem of locating places in my home country Ghana.

  • Photo mapping from my village to Pharmacies and Addresses
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Zacharia Muindi

Zacharia works as project coordinator at Map Kibera, his main focus has been to oversee and coordinate several mapping projects in the informal settlements of Nairobi and other parts of Kenya on OSM since 2009. He is a strong champion of citizen involvement and engagement in mapping and generation of OSM data to advocate for better service provision through policy making and development plans within marginalized communities. On the side, he has been engaged in several forums on developing frameworks and guides for citizen-generated data and open data in Kenya

  • A Replicable Model for OpenStreetMap Training Programs in High Schools