Joshua Ogure
Joshua Ogure, is the general manager for Map Kibera Trust, he is also the team leader for Kibera News Network, a citizen journalism program in Kibera Slum. Josh has a wide range of experience working in the informal settlements. As a project manager and a community journalist, he has led the team towards a successful project dubbed Open Schools Kenya. ( He strives to make the invisible visible using OpenStreetMap data and journalism for change and advocacy. In 2016, Josh won an Open Data award with Map Kibera under the Social Impact category.
Map Kibera arose from a desire to expand OSM beyond the confines of Europe and North America. In 2009, it pushed the boundaries of what then-new technologies could do. What have the mappers learned over the years? This talk will welcome you to Nairobi and through the ups and downs of mapping in Kenya - from the history of mapping in 20th Kenya, through Map Kibera’s start, into slums and rural parts of Kenya, and finally to current-day Kibera, where mappers are mapping street lights, waste disposal, schools, and more. How has Map Kibera and OSM had a community impact even as drones, satellite technology and AI are revolutionizing mapping? What has changed, and what has remained the same? We will discuss the global impact of Map Kibera, on community-based mapping in OSM and on the general application of technology in developing countries.