benedcto adam
Benedcto Adamu is a GIS person, making significant contributions to the mapping community, proficiency in data collection, analysis, and visualization. His comprehensive understanding of GIS software and tools, along with spatial analysis and remote sensing expertise, allows him to solve complex geospatial challenges and provide valuable insights for decision-making.Benedcto dedicated to open-source mapping and passion for using geospatial technology to address real-world problems have garnered respect in the field, benefiting institutions and organizations relying on precise and up-to-date spatial data. I'm working as Associate GIS & Data Manager at OMDTZ.
Benedcto Adamu
In recent years, data creation methods have evolved, incorporating machine learning, AI, deep learning, and virtual reality to streamline processes. However, these advancements have not uniformly benefited communities in developing countries. Nonetheless, OMDTZ tirelessly seeks solutions to ensure more high-quality data are gathered, with low cost and extensive local involvement. One standout initiative involves a customized tricycle, known as bajaj, which is cost-effective, enabling access to streets of varying conditions. Equipped with an affordable street view camera, it collects images used to automate generation of vector data attributes to enrich OpenStreetMap. This session aims to share the experience and process, inspiring other communities to consider similar adaptations.