Benjamin Herfort

Benjamin Herfort is researcher at HeiGIT and Heidelberg University. He has recently finished his PhD, for which he investigated questions of representation and data quality in OpenStreetMap from the perspectives of humanitarian and machine learning-assisted mapping in order to map what is not mapped. In his research and work he is furthermore dealing with the temporal evolution of OpenStreetMap data, MapSwipe and information from social media. He is developing open source tools and methods that incorporate geographic information systems for disaster management and humanitarian aid.

OpenStreetMap username



Easy Access to ohsome full history OSM contributions using cloud hosted GeoParquet
Benjamin Herfort, Rafael Troilo, Michael Auer

This workshop teaches you how you can accelerate OSM data analysis without the need to run your own computing cluster. We will provide a sneak preview about our new cloud hosted ohsome full history contributions data and will show you how you can use it to understand the dynamics in OSM.

Data Analysis & Data Model
Amboseli Hall