Daniela Waltersdorfer Jimenez

Daniela Waltersdorfer, also known as Dani is from Lima, Peru, and also spent part of her childhood in Bogota, Colombia, and in a suburb of Miami in the U.S. She now resides in Washington, D.C. , U.S. As a professional, she works in the Transportation Industry, where she helps many transportation agencies with their transit, logistics, supply-chain, and asset management needs in the form of digital geospatial solutions. She’s been a leader of Maptime Boston and Miami, where (along with her awesome co-leads) provided GIS and mapping education to the local communities and led mapathons.

OpenStreetMap username



OSMF Funding
Daniela Waltersdorfer Jimenez

The "OSM Funding" talk is dedicated to illuminating the management of the OpenStreetMap Foundation as a non-profit organization, reliant on donations and event sponsorship. With a commitment to transparency, the talk aims to provide a clear description of how the OSM Foundation's finances are handled, ensuring the community is informed about fund allocation and usage. By providing a clear understanding of where funds are directed and how they benefit the broader OSM Community, attendees are empowered to build mutual trust with the OSMF. The OSM Foundation endeavors to foster trust and collaboration while maximizing the impact of financial resources for the collective benefit of all of OSM.

Community and Foundation
Tsavo Hall
OSMF board, Arnalie Vicario, Craig Allan, Daniela Waltersdorfer Jimenez, Guillaume Rischard, Mateusz Konieczny, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann

OpenStreetMap Foundation Board Ask Us Anything (i.e. AMA). We will take questions from the audience, or other questions that people can submit before the event, and we will talk about and answer them. We can talk about the past actions of the board, and what future plans we have.

Community and Foundation
Maasai Mara