Markus Tremmel
I'm a Staff Software Engineer and Architect living in Germany. As a lecturer I also teach vector data processing at the faculty of computer science at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. My main work focus is on the development of high-performance geospatial applications as well as research in the field of cloud native geospatial and next generation vector file formats.
MapLibre Tiles (MLT) is a new vector tiles format which offers a significant tile size reduction and accelerated decoding performance compared to the de-facto standard Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVT). MLT also adds support for missing features like nested properties, linear referencing and M-values. Our evaluation against MVT on a OpenMapTiles schema based OSM tileset shows a reduction in tile size of nearly up to 80% with even faster decoding times. This talk explains how MLT can be used in combination with OSM data and the advantages it offers.