Luis Sebastian Bravo Chacon
Forest engineer, born on the Colombia-Ecuador border and a member of the indigenous reserve of Pastas Aldana. Part of the LGBTI community. Passionate youth activist for collaborative cartography, nature, and diversity. Thematic coordinator of the Ipiales node of the Youth for the Environment Network of Colombia for 2024. Project manager of YouthMappers chapter SAGEMA. Member of Humanitarian Mapping Brigade Hub LAC. Member of the political node of the Diverso volunteer group in Medellín. Researcher in geospatial technologies and urban planning.
The botanical collection Arboretum and Palmetum Leon Morales Soto houses 412 species from 64 botanical families, totaling 4892 individuals. The mapping carried out by the SAGEMA chapter of YouthMappers allowed sharing valuable information about Colombian flora with the university community, facilitating its conservation and recognition through the integration of collection data into OSM. The project aims to promote the conservation of threatened tropical ecosystems through open mapping. It involved the participation of 12 students and a training strategy through open workshops to replicate the project in other Latin American regions.