Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
As of yet not confirmed who will present this work on behalf of HOT. Biography to follow for the presenter. The work in the abstract comes from HOT's Open Mapping Hubs in East & Southern Africa, West & Northern Africa and Asia Pacific region.
Proiposal is being submitted by Pete Pete Masters, HOT's Special Project Advisor and former Head of Community..
Historically, the open mapping movement’s disaster focus has been response, but evolving local capacity, insight, technology and partnerships mean new anticipatory action and disaster preparedness open mapping methodologies enable a transition from reactive to proactive approaches to disaster management.
This talk explores key findings on the transformative role of open mapping in this topic, demonstrated by three HOT collaborations; Anticipatory Response Program in Zimbabwe, Flood Tracking Project in Liberia, and Mapping for Anticipatory Action in Timor-Leste, plus analysis of post-disaster data demand from NGO and government responders.
The talk will also surface insights on how OSM communities can increase their own disaster resilience and preparedness through mapping.