Mateusz Konieczny

Active OpenStreetMap mapper and contributor to software powering OpenStreetMap. Contributed some minor improvements to multiple editors and significant improvements to StreetComplete. Active in various places, including OpenStreetMap Foundation board.

Mapper active since 2013, especially interested in mapping bicycle infrastructure, hiking trails, parks. Mapping using Vespucci, StreetComplete, JOSM, level0, special editing tools and automated edits.

Involved in improving documentation about existing tagging schemas by contributing to OpenStreetMap Wiki. Active also in inventing new tagging schema where existing ones were insufficient.

OpenStreetMap username

Mateusz Konieczny


OSM Wiki editing workshop
Mateusz Konieczny

Do you know about a mistake on the OSM wiki?

Have you wanted to fix it but you are unsure how?

Do you want to document some already used tag?

Do you want to add better illustration to some wiki page?

Is translation of one of wiki pages broken or missing and you want to add it but not sure how to do this?

Are you confused by OSM Wiki page?

This will be a fitting workshop for you! I will help you to fix the problem and edit OSM Wiki.

Ideally, in future you will be own to make such fix on your own.

OSM Basics
Amboseli Hall
OSMF board – what are they even doing?
Mateusz Konieczny

If you have ever wondered what OSMF and OSMF board are doing and why they exist it is a good presentation for you.
Will include a brief overview (as promised in the title) of what they are doing, reason for their existence and why you may want to care about them. And why you may want join the board or one of working groups.
Presented by OSMF board member.

OSM Basics
Maasai Mara
Do we need 11 000 shop=* values?
Mateusz Konieczny

About work on reducing one of minor problems of OpenStreetMap: rare, unclear and confusing tag values. Such as for example shop=mięsny

How cleanup of such tags may help? Why it is dangerous to make this kind of edits? How it can be useful and how it can be problematic or annoying?

How it can be done so benefits are much greater than damages?

What kind of help would be welcome?

Data Analysis & Data Model
Maasai Mara
OSMF board, Arnalie Vicario, Craig Allan, Daniela Waltersdorfer Jimenez, Guillaume Rischard, Mateusz Konieczny, Roland Olbricht, Sarah Hoffmann

OpenStreetMap Foundation Board Ask Us Anything (i.e. AMA). We will take questions from the audience, or other questions that people can submit before the event, and we will talk about and answer them. We can talk about the past actions of the board, and what future plans we have.

Community and Foundation
Maasai Mara