Aishworya is a research assistant under the PEER (Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research) Science Project at Kathmandu Living Labs - a civic tech company working at the intersection of society and technology. She has been working in the field of social science for the last six years and is passionate about using technology for better human life. She believes societal needs should be at the center of any technological advancement and the constant effects on the people due to exposure to technology is as important to consider as its benefits.
- OpenStreetMap as a tool for skill building
My name is Alice Battiston and I am a second-year PhD candidate in Modeling and Data Science at the University of Turin, working with Prof. Rossano Schifanella.
My research is at the intersection of computational social science, spatial analysis and the modeling of urban systems. I am interested in data-driven approaches to policy-making in urban environments, with a focus on enhancing the liveability and sustainability of our cities.
My background is in Economics and Statistics, which I studied in Turin @UniversityOfTurin and @CollegioCarloAlberto and in London @UniversityCollegeLondon.
Before joining the academia again in 2020, I worked for three years as data analyst and economic consultant (@LondonEconomics, London, UK), specializing in applied micro-econometrics.
- Understanding and modelling accessibility to public green in large urban centers using OpenStreetMap data

Alishiba Dsouza is a Ph.D. student in the DSIS research group at the University of Bonn. Alishiba is pursuing her
Ph.D. in knowledge graph creation for volunteered geographic information (VGI). Her research interests include
VGI, semantic Web, knowledge graphs, and representation learning.
- Comparative Integration Potential Analyses of OSM and Wikidata – the Case Study of Railway Stations

Anne is a Community Manager based at the Alan Turing Institute. Previously, she completed her graduate studies in Anthropology and Sociology at The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, where she focused on the OSM ecosystem and open source labor. She is an early career fellow at the Internet Society.
- Mapping crises, communities and capitalism on OpenStreetMap: situating humanitarian mapping in the (open source) mapping supply chain

Benjamin Herfort is researcher at HeiGIT and doctoral candidate in Geography at Heidelberg University. In his research and work he is dealing with the temporal evolution of OpenStreetMap data, MapSwipe and information from social media. He is developing open source tools and methods that incorporate geographic information systems for disaster management and humanitarian aid.
- Inequalities in the completeness of OpenStreetMap buildings in urban centers

I am currently a MSc. EAGLE student at the Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg. My main academic interest lies in urban remote sensing, AI application in remote sensing, and geostatistics. Before this, I finished my BSc. (hons) Geography at the University of Edinburgh, focusing on glaciology and geomorphology. When I'm distracted, I enjoy a board range of other topics from epistemology to anthropology to various languages. Outside academia, I am an avid climber and traveller.
- Investigating the capability of UAV imagery in AI-assisted mapping of Refugee Camps in East Africa

Corey Dickinson is a researcher, consultant, and educator currently based at McGill University.
- Corporate editing and its impact on network navigability within OpenStreetMap
Greta is an early career researcher at Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, University of Leeds. She holds a BA in Sociology and MSc in Big Data and Digital Futures. Greta is passionate about open, interdisciplinary research and R. For the last 6 months, she has been busy learning as much about geocomputation as possible.
- OSM for sustainable transport planning

Researcher and developer for computer science in architecture, engineering and construction
- Floor plan extraction from digital building models
Data Scientist working for the Leeds Institute of Data Analytics (LIDA), currently working on the Open Infrastructure (OpenInfra) project, looking to explore the utility of OSM data for use in transport planning tools, methods, and research.
- OSM for sustainable transport planning

GeoInformation Scientist researching OpenStreetMap as both a map and an online community. I collaborate closely with researchers across both industry and academia to develop OSM research agendas and develop analysis-ready datasets to support researchers in the community.
- Increasing OpenStreetMap Data Accessibility with the Analysis-Ready Daylight Distribution of OpenStreetMap: A Demonstration of Cloud-Based Assessments of Global Building Completeness

Kauê de Moraes Vestena, Master in Geodetic Sciences (UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2021), Cartographic and Surveying Engineer (UFPR, 2017) and Technician in Surveying (UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2012). Currently a Doctoral student in Geodetic Sciences at UFPR, with research focus on Accessibility Mapping with Open Tools and Data. With experience in Terrestrial Mobile Mapping Systems research and extension activities in the area of collaborative mapping.
- OSM Sidewalkreator - A QGIS plugin for automated sidewalk drawing for OSM

- Null Island - a node of contention in OpenStreetMap

- 2020 - present: Research Assistant at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg
Project: IDEAL-VGI - Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives by Learning from Volunteered Geographic Information - 2015 - 2019: Master of Science (MSc) in Geography at Heidelberg University
Thesis: Under the Spell of Community Happenings – Analysing the Effects of Mapping Events on OpenStreetMap Contributors - 2012-2015: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography at Freie Universität Berlin
- Returning the favor - Leveraging quality insights of OpenStreetMap-based land-use/land-cover multi-label modeling to the community
- Comparative Integration Potential Analyses of OSM and Wikidata – the Case Study of Railway Stations

Patricia Solís, PhD, is Executive Director of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University, and an Associate Research Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. Her expertise centers on the application of participatory geospatial technologies for humanitarian, environment and development needs. She is designer, co-founder and director of YouthMappers, a consortium of student-led mapping chapters on 300+ university campuses in 65+ countries, creating open, volunteered spatial data in collaboration with USAID. Solís serves a diplomatic appointment as the first woman President of the PanAmerican Institute of Geography and History for the Organization of American States.
- YouthMappers: A Hybrid Movement Design for the OpenStreetMap Community of Communities

Peter is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science in Maynooth University and has been working in the domain of geospatial data research for over a decade. He is particularly interested in understanding the processes behind the collection of volunteered geographic information data and how computing techniques such as machine learning can be applied to these datasets and sources. He has been involved for over a decade in research and scholarship related to OpenStreeMap. He is heavily involved in OSGeo (Open Source Geospatial Foundation) activities in Ireland. His teaching philosophy sees the exclusive use of FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geomatics) and Open Data for all student teaching and learning activities. He is currently an editor of the Transactions in GIS journal.
- Null Island - a node of contention in OpenStreetMap

Robin Lovelace is Associate Professor of Transport Data Science at the Leeds Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) specialising in the analysis of regional transport systems and modelling scenarios of change. Robin is Lead Developer of the Propensity to Cycle Tool (see www.pct.bike), and led the ActDev project. These show the feasibility of nationally scalable tools based on OSM data to support active travel and the transition away from fossil fuels that is needed to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change.
- OSM for sustainable transport planning

A faculty member at the Mapping and Geoinformation Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty, The Technion. A geodata scientist developing methods of interpretation, mining, and integration of crowdsourced user-generated content to augment and develop location-based services and smart mapping infrastructures, focusing on routing and navigation solutions for people with mobility disabilities. Chair of FIG WG III/3 on User-Generated Spatial Content Empowering Communities, and he serves as secretary of ISPRS WG IV/5 on Indoor/Outdoor Seamless Modelling, LBS, and Mobility.
- Leveraging OpenStreetMap to investigate urban accessibility and safety of visually impaired pedestrians
- Landmarks for accessible space – promoting geo-literacy through geospatial citizen science
- The cell size issue in OpenStreetMap data quality parameter analyses: an interpolation-based approach

Stellamaris Nakacwa is a master’s Geography candidate at the University of West Virginia. Her passion for open-source geospatial engagement has been developed and enriched by the continuous engagement through YouthMappers and her desire to apply geospatial data to solve policy challenges, locally and globally.
- Combining Volunteered Geographic Information and WPdx standards to Improve Mapping of Rural Water Infrastructure in Uganda.
I am a research associate working at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany.
- Floor plan extraction from digital building models

Since 12/2021 Research associate at Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) in Dresden
10/2018 – 11/2021 Master programme: geoinformatics and management at University of Applied Sciences (HTW) in Dresden
09/2014 – 04/2018 Bachelor programme: cartography and geoinformatics at University of Applied Sciences (HTW) in Dresden
- Automated derivation of public urban green spaces via activity-related barriers using OpenStreetMap.
Timmera Whaley Omidire is a recent graduate from University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences and Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies. Her expertise is in geographic information science, spatial decision support systems, environmental science, and environmental justice.
- Increasing OpenStreetMap Data Accessibility with the Analysis-Ready Daylight Distribution of OpenStreetMap: A Demonstration of Cloud-Based Assessments of Global Building Completeness
I am the co-chair of the Academic Track. I specialize in making test submissions.
- Opening Session - Academic Track