State of the Map 2022 - Academic Track

Alice Battiston

My name is Alice Battiston and I am a second-year PhD candidate in Modeling and Data Science at the University of Turin, working with Prof. Rossano Schifanella.
My research is at the intersection of computational social science, spatial analysis and the modeling of urban systems. I am interested in data-driven approaches to policy-making in urban environments, with a focus on enhancing the liveability and sustainability of our cities.
My background is in Economics and Statistics, which I studied in Turin @UniversityOfTurin and @CollegioCarloAlberto and in London @UniversityCollegeLondon.
Before joining the academia again in 2020, I worked for three years as data analyst and economic consultant (@LondonEconomics, London, UK), specializing in applied micro-econometrics.


Understanding and modelling accessibility to public green in large urban centers using OpenStreetMap data
Alice Battiston

OpenStreetMap data represents a valuable source of information for public green areas in large urban centers and effectively measures the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 11.7. Our study provides a threefold contribution in this direction. First, we validate land-use-related tags in OpenStreetMap, through a comparison with satellite data from the European Urban Atlas. We then propose a framework and an interactive tool to measure access to public green areas through several established indices. Finally, we show how the framework can be used to simulate the impact of new green areas and help policymakers design effective interventions.

Auditorium B