State of the Map 2022 - Academic Track

Christopher Chan

I am currently a MSc. EAGLE student at the Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg. My main academic interest lies in urban remote sensing, AI application in remote sensing, and geostatistics. Before this, I finished my BSc. (hons) Geography at the University of Edinburgh, focusing on glaciology and geomorphology. When I'm distracted, I enjoy a board range of other topics from epistemology to anthropology to various languages. Outside academia, I am an avid climber and traveller.


Investigating the capability of UAV imagery in AI-assisted mapping of Refugee Camps in East Africa
Christopher Chan

This pilot project is connected to a larger initiative to open-source the assisted mapping platform for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOTOSM) based on Very High Resolution (VHR) drone imagery. The study test and evaluate multiple U-Net based architectures on building segmentation of Refugee Camps in East Africa.

Auditorium B