Submission Guidelines

See the Call for Abstracts for the Academic Track. Questions directed to the Scientific Committee should be sent to

Description of fields
  • Title: Title of the contribution
  • Submission type: Type of submission (20 minute talk)
  • Abstract: Short summary (1-2 sentences) of the contribution to appear in the official conference program
  • Description: This is the academic abstract that will be used to evaluate your submission. Length must be between 800 and 1200 words. If your abstract includes references, please number these according to the order in which they appear (e.g. [1], [2], [3-5], [6,9]). The abstract should not include a list of references - these should be entered in the Bibliography field (see below).
  • Additional speaker (optional): E-mail address of one co-author in case he/she/they also attends State of the Map 2024 (see Notes).
  • Bibliography: A numbered list of the literature items cited within the academic abstract, formatted according to the APA style (see
  • Details of all authors (required): Details for all authors, including yourself. Please enter details following the requested format (see notes).
  • Notice that the Additional speaker field on the first screen relates only to a co-author who will be attending State of the Map 2024 as well.
  • When entering authors' details (name, affiliation) in the relevant field (appearing on the Questions section), please separate entries with semicolons and allow one line per author, i.e.:
    name of 1st co-author; affiliation of 1st co-author;
    name of 2nd co-author; affiliation of 2nd co-author;