2021-10-31 –, Room 3
In this workshop, we will discuss edge cases in historical bibliographic data and document ways of making them fit the Wikidata data models for books and periodicals. We're bringing together people from a variety of backgrounds, some that will be more familiar with the data we're talking about, some that will be more familiar with the technical side, some who might just be observing. We're hoping to spark a conversation that will keep going.
This workshop, led by three digital humanist bibliographers, will strengthen bridges between the Wikidata community and bibliographic scholarship and stewardship. Working in three groups, participants will familiarize themselves with the WikiProject Books and WikiProject Periodicals data models, discuss edge cases that can come from their own data, document these use cases for the data models, and post documentation.
The three groups will be talking about translations, series of works, and works serialized in installments. We will then come back all together to explain the various Wikidata communication channels, discuss how we want to keep the conversation going, and announce relevant upcoming events related to our personal projects.
Link to notes:https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataCon2021-PreISBNISSNbibliographicdata
Other links:https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata_talk:WikiProject_Books#Serial_literature_properties
Simon is Q66538139
Marie is a book historian and digital humanist with a long-standing interest in open science and outreach. She researches 19th-century popular culture and is a freelance translator (Fr/En) based in Montréal.
Demian Katz is the Director of Library Technology at Villanova University, where he leads a team of four software developers and contributes to various open source projects, including the VuFind discovery layer. Outside of software development, his research interests include dime novels, series books and print-based interactive fiction, and he contributes with some regularity to Dime Novel Round-Up. He also manages the online bibliographies at dimenovels.org and gamebooks.org.