Frédéric Julien
Frédéric Julien works in the performing arts as an administrator, a researcher and an activist. He currently holds the position of Director of Research and Development at the Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA). Since 2018, he leads the Linked Digital Future Initiative, which deploys a range of activities fosters a data-centric transformation digital transformation in the performing arts. Wikidata is an essential tool in this transformation.
In the performing arts sector, it is frequent for items automatically created from Wikipedia articles to conflate conceptually distinct P31 values. The most common cases are items stated to be instances of both a building and an organization. As these items are enriched with more statements and identifiers, it becomes very difficult to distinguish which statements or identifiers refer to which entity. For example, an inception (P571) statement could refer either to the date when an organization was founded or to the date when construction for a building began.
In order to reduce and to prevent the occurence of items conflating two distinct concepts, we would like to discuss solutions such as introducing a new constraint for conflicting P31 values.
Depuis trois ans, la haute école spécialisée bernoise et plusieurs autres institutions à travers le monde collaborent dans le but d’amorcer un écosystème de données ouvertes liées pour les arts de la scène. La communauté s’est organisée autour de groupes de travail qui assument la prise en charge d’une vaste gamme d’activités afin que leur vision partagée deviennent une réalité. L’un de ces groupes de travail est consacré à Wikidata et Wikipédia. Au cours de la dernière année, ce groupe de travail a été particulièrement prolifique. Il a en outre offert plusieurs activités de formation et documenté les meilleures pratiques de modélisation dans deux WikiProjets.
[The Bern University of Applied Sciences and many other institutions around the world have been collaborating over the past three years to bootstrap an international Linked Open Data Ecosystem for the Performing Arts. The community has coalesced around working groups coordinating a range of activities to make their shared vision a reality. One of these Working Groups is dedicated to Wikidata and Wikipedia. During the last year, this working group has been particularly active, delivering training and documenting best practices in two Wikidata WikiProjects.]
Statistical agencies are in need of reliable information with which they can assign industry classifications to businesses. Wikidata could provide this kind of information on a silver platter, if only industry classifications were implemented and used in a consistent manner. But that’s not the case presently. The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) and various other regional industry classifications are implemented in Wikidata, but their respective properties are modelled differently and used inconsistently. This session will examine current models and will attempt to build consensus on the most efficient way to implement industry classifications in Wikidata, with consideration to research and statistical use cases.
CAPACOA has been exploring how Indigenous knowledge can be adequately and respectfully represented over the Web of data. Even though this consultative process isn’t over yet, the project team has observed a few areas of tension emerging between Indigenous modes of communicating information and modes of representing information in Wikidata. Among other things, the use of colonial exonyms for labels of Indigenous nations presents a real problem for many Indigenous artists. This session will take the form of a series of very short presentations on preliminary findings with related questions inviting input from the Wikidata community.