Véronique Marino
Véronique Marino is co-owner since 2016 of LACOGENCY.CO, specializing in digital content and discoverability strategy. From 2004 to 2019 she has served as Director of the Interactive Media Program at INIS. From 1996 to 1999 she was development and operations associate for the first website for the broadcaster TVA.CA. From 1999 to 2001 she continued her career at Nomino Technologies heading their language recognition database. Her qualities as a manager and her understanding of innovation let her to Nurun where she undertook the development of several projects with the Groupe Québecor. She presents workshops and participates in conferences across Canada and France. She was selected by Quebec’s Femmes du Cinéma, de la Télévision et des Nouveaux Médias as 2012 Digital Media Personality of the Year.
Depuis trois ans, la haute école spécialisée bernoise et plusieurs autres institutions à travers le monde collaborent dans le but d’amorcer un écosystème de données ouvertes liées pour les arts de la scène. La communauté s’est organisée autour de groupes de travail qui assument la prise en charge d’une vaste gamme d’activités afin que leur vision partagée deviennent une réalité. L’un de ces groupes de travail est consacré à Wikidata et Wikipédia. Au cours de la dernière année, ce groupe de travail a été particulièrement prolifique. Il a en outre offert plusieurs activités de formation et documenté les meilleures pratiques de modélisation dans deux WikiProjets.
[The Bern University of Applied Sciences and many other institutions around the world have been collaborating over the past three years to bootstrap an international Linked Open Data Ecosystem for the Performing Arts. The community has coalesced around working groups coordinating a range of activities to make their shared vision a reality. One of these Working Groups is dedicated to Wikidata and Wikipedia. During the last year, this working group has been particularly active, delivering training and documenting best practices in two Wikidata WikiProjects.]